Primary 3 Curriculum

Primary 3 Maths Curriculum parents

First Level Maths Overview

Primary 3 Science Curriculum

Programme 3 Spelling

Grammar – First Level 2

Curriculum overview introduction


Today we went out in the woodland area and looked for sticks which we estimated were less than 1 metre, about 1 metre and more than 1 metre.  We found we were pretty close with some and a little out with others.   metre 001 metre 002 metre 003



We created Eatwell Plates, we had to divide them in to sections to make a balanced diet.

We made posters to let other people in the school know how to best get rid of the bugs on our hands.  Look out for these around our school.

With a partner, we designed a healthy lunch box.  Later we went on the computer to type up a shopping list for these items.  Next we searched on a food shopping website to price our shopping.  Then we calculated it all together, some of us were surprised at how much we spent!

won weds 001 won weds 002 won weds 003 won weds 004 won weds 005



Art Competition with Mr Parkhouse

This week we had Mr Parkhouse for art.  We entered an art competition entitled ‘Fabulous Food’.  We use oil pastels to draw anything we wanted which was inspired by fabulous foods.  For some this meant sausages and for others this meant cake! You can see some of our creations below:

art Comp 001art Comp 020art Comp 019art Comp 014art Comp 008art Comp 007art Comp 006art Comp 018art Comp 013art Comp 011art Comp 022


Internet Safety
We have been looking at keeping safe on the Internet.

Our Top Tips are:
Tip 1: Always ask a grown up before you use the internet
Tip 2: Never share your personal information on line
Tip 3: Tell a grown up if you feel unhappy about something
Tip 4: Don’t send pictures to people you don’t know
Tip 5: Always treat people like you would treat them in the playground

We made Internet Safety Leaflets for visitors to our school:

IMG_1369 IMG_1370

New Lanark




On Friday 27th March we went on our class trip to New Lanark.  First when we arrived we had a guided session on Victorian toys.  As you can see we had great fun playing with these.  Most of us decided that we would like a mix of the toys from Victorian times and the toys we have today.  The next stop was for lunch and we were really hungry!  After lunch we watched a film where a girl from the future, called Harmony, told us how the changes Robert Owen made were still important even in the year 2200!  Next we walked through the mill and saw and heard the machinery.  It was very loud.  We imagined the poor Victorian children crawling under the working machinery.  After that we went on the ride where a young girl called Annie McLeod showed us what her life was like in New Lanark nearly 200 years ago.

Finally we visited Robert Owen’s house, the Millworkers’ house and (best of all) the Village Store.  The store had lots of great sweets and lollipops.

It was a great day out and Mrs Davidson thought we’d be tired out on the bus journey home but instead we chatted non-stop!


dance and fairtrade shop 005                                                 dance and fairtrade shop 013


We had great fun organising Pyjama Day for the school.  We decided to have this on World Book Day so we could bring in our favourite bedtime stories and even our cuddly bedtime toys.  We raised a fantastic £190 for S.C.I.A.F. P3 would like to thank everyone for getting involved!

4 thoughts on “Primary 3 Curriculum”

  1. Lovely to see all the work the children have been doing. Especially beautiful artwork from the children.

  2. .it was cool /Alesha . IT WAS HELPING/AIESHA
    .IT was getting lot’s it sweet/alesha


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