Primary 2 Super Computing Teachers!

Today Primary 1 had a super new set of teachers in the class when Primary 2 children came in to give them a computing lesson!  Primary 2 showed Primary 1 how to log on and then gave them a quick tour of Kodu Game Lab and 2simple 2paint on the laptops.

Primary 1 had a great time and were very grateful to Primary 2 for sharing their knowledge.  Mrs Davidson and Miss Guy learned some new computing skills too.

Thank You Primary 2!

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Celebration of Learning in P7


Primary 7 had a great show of their learning this term on Wednesday 8th of February.  They did a fantastic job of showing off their French speaking as well as their style in the fashion show ‘Defile de Mode.’  The science demonstrations kept everyone very interested and informed especially the fake blood making!  Some of you were even put through your paces with Reign and Ben’s shape quiz.  Thank you again for coming along.  The children really enjoyed the afternoon and did so well.

P7 Scottish Enterprise

P7 have been raising funds for their end of primary school trip.  We have been decorating mugs with Scottish designs including our own family tartans and crests.  On Thursday we went across to St Joe’s and Mrs Chalk taught us how to make shortbread to sell with the mugs.  Thank you to everyone who supported our Enterprise, it’s been fun and very worthwhile.  Here’s a few photos of us baking!img_4039img_4040img_4041img_4042img_4043img_4044

3D Buildings

P2 have been learning about recycling and different building and what they are used for. Their homework challenge was to build a 3D model of a famous landmark whether it was local or from around the world. What super effort we had for everyone. P3 and P4 came for a visit and the P2’s were able to tell them all about their buildings and how they made them.


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Amazing Speech Makers

On Thursday 26th January, four of our talented pupils from P6 and P7 performed in the Rotary Club Speech Making Competition.  The title for their speech was ‘What Makes a Good Neighbour?’

The  children entertained the audiences and the judges were very impressed with the standard of all the children.

A special congratulations goes to Matthew who will now represent our school in the final in March.

Well done we are very proud of you all!

Our Amazing Speech Makers

Primary 1 Celebration of Learning

Yesterday Primary 1 had a very busy day as we had our Celebration of Learning.  We invited our grown ups in to share the learning we have been doing in our Health and Wellbeing topic.

Our activities included a food sorting challenge, creating an eatwell plate, using our senses to describe different foods and making some very yummy fruit kebabs!

It was great fun sharing our learning and we think even the grown ups learned a few new facts about keeping healthy!

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P5 Health and Wellbeing


As part of our healthy lifestyle topic this term, Primary 5 were paid a special visit by Dr Nassar! We were learning all about how to keep our teeth and gums clean and healthy. We were able to look at a tooth that had been left in Coca Cola overnight, and compare it with a healthy tooth. We looked at tooth implants and dentures, and were able to taste different sweets alternatives. Thank you for visiting our class! “

Scots Assembly

Today we held a special assembly to celebrate the work we have all been doing connected to the Scots language.  All classes have been busy looking at this and we decided it would be nice to share with everyone.

We had Scottish songs and poems and our Nursery children even gave us a bit of exercise as we all joined in with ‘Heids, shooders, knees and taes!”

Primary 5 have kept their special performance of a Scottish dance for Mr Valentine at tomorrow’s assembly.

It was great fun and a lovely celebration of the country we are all part of.

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