St Andrew’s House Captains

We would like to introduce this year’s House Captains and Vice Captains.  We are  sure they are going to do a great job and will be super role models for our younger children.  They are looking forward to representing our school and  helping organise events throughout the year.

Saint Christopher
Saint Nicholas
Saint Bernadette
Saint Catherine

Primary 6 Pope Francis Faith Award Project 2018

Primary 6 would like to thank all of the pupils who spent their money for our fundraising for The Smile of Arran Trust. After a visit from Mrs Alison Tosh (Arran’s Mum), we knew exactly how we could raise money for the trust. Over the last term we have worked together as a class to organise, plan, rehearse and perform an entertainment show where were 12 pupils with acts including singers, dancers, comedians, a poet and a guitarist entertained the school and P6 parents and family. All acts were amazing, a big well done and thank you. The last song we sang, Hey Soul Sister, was inspired by Arran as we watched a video of him performing the song at Yeldham’s Got Talent. We also sold Smile of Arran merchandise, organised a raffle including prizes from local businesses and sold treats after school. Over this term we raised a whopping £535.50!


We would also like to say a special thank you to all shops who donated raffle prizes; Wickes, Dalscone, Molly Mays, Knox Sports, Sport Direct, Holywood Trust and Waterstones.

Everyone in P6 had their part to play from publicity, planning, sourcing prizes to performing and counting money.

Mrs Barnett is extremely proud of all the hard work the class put in without much help from her!

By Shea and Archie


Salter’s Chemistry Fair Glasgow

For the first time St Andrew’s joined St Joseph’s College in entering a team into the Salter’s Chemistry Fair.  A team of four were selected to go, they included Lauren McLean, Tony Vetters, Bernardas Svirplis and Josh Allison.  Unfortunately Lauren could not make it on the day so the boys had to go on their own.  They had a great day and did really well considering they were the only primary school team and had only 3 members compared to others who were S1 and had 4 or 5 people. They watched scientists doing demonstrations and they themselves had a crime scene investigation to do in lab conditions.  They said it was a really great experience.  Well done boys!

P2 visit Dumfries House Engineering Centre

On Friday, P2 travelled to Cumnock to the Dumfries House Estate. They have a super cool water and sand park which we had great fun exploring. We were in 2 groups, we went bug hunting and learned about forces and friction and made our own rockets which we got to launch.

Bibi -‘ We all had to work together to get the water moving, it was so cool!’

Annabel – ‘We were having so much fun playing we didn’t even know we were learning.’

Rory -‘ We had to share with each other and it was nice playing together.’



Walk to Whithorn Complete.

A week ago today Mr.V completed his walk from our school in Dumfries to St. Ninian’s cave just outside of Whithorn. He got to the end at about 9:45 pm on the Friday night. Thanks to all who have supported the effort with donations. As promised every penny will go towards being able to offer our children better opportunities as part of their learning.


P3 Roman School Trip

Yesterday P3 had a super day at The Roman Army Museum and Vindolanda Roman Fort. Here are some of the class comments about the trip.

Monica said, “It was amazing!” Jamie loved pretending to be a Roman soldier, ” I liked being on look out at the Fort watch towers. It was fantastic!” he said. Amelia thought the archaeologists were very interesting. She said, ” I like the pottery that they found when we were there. I was the sixth person to touch it.” Izzy thought the hologram teacher in the museum was funny and Mateusz thought the 3D movie was, “Cool!” Tori said, “I found the museum interesting.” Franci enjoyed learning about the butchers shop in the fort and Alba said, ” We all likes trying to be Roman Archers with the bow and arrow.” Niamh bought a gem bug from the shop and Tom summed up the whole day by cheering, ” It was EPIC!!!!!!”




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