Primary 3 Learning Outdoors

In Primary 3 over the first few weeks of term we have been busy taking our learning outside.  Last week we were artists and chose different aspects of nature to do observational drawings.   This week we did our maths measure work outdoors which involved estimating and measuring objects in our woodlands using centimetres.  We made sure we had some time for a bit of imaginative play and tree climbing too!



August return to school for all.

Scottish government have now published their guidance for schools on opening to all pupils and staff, with children returning from 12th August. The link below should take you to the government page containing that information. this is the guidance we are using to plan for our return. Further information will follow.


Return To School

The first part of procedures to return to school begin on the 15th of June. This is when a risk assessment of the school building will take place by appointed council staff in preparation for the return of school staff.

Staff will then use the remainder of June to plan for the new approach to schooling and the return of children in August.

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