Measure Challenges in Primary 3

Today for problem solving we had to create a bridge with  a length of 30cm and height 10cm.  It also had to carry a tower of blocks weighing 20 g.  It was a fun way to practise our measure.

We also went to the woods to estimate and measure the length of sticks.  We had to find 1 stick which was appox 30cm.  3 sticks which together would measure 1 metre and 1 stick which we estimated would be about 1/2 metre.  Some of our estimates were pretty close!

God’s Wonderful World

In Primary 3 we have been reflecting on God’s Wonderful World and discussing our favourite sights and sounds in our natural environment.  In Big Writing we wrote beautiful descriptions of our favourite places and used adjectives to help bring these to life for the reader.  On Friday we went to the woodlands and looked for natural things in God’s Wonderful World which we photographed for our display.  Here are some of the fantastic photos we took:

George’s Marvellous ‘Muddy’ Medicine

Today Primary 3 went to the woods to create their own Marvellous Medicine just like George in the novel we have been studying.  There were some amazing creations including lots of mud, leaves, pinecones, sticks and the odd slater or two!  The children then wrote their ingredients and decided how many grams or kilograms of each item they would include.

P6 Learning about WW2

Our knowledge about WW2 is growing in P6! Today we spent some time outside having fun and learning about Morse Code and Anderson Shelters. While half the group ‘parachuted’ in to our school forest and had to locate their Morse Code Kit before deciphering messages and creating some of their own; the other half were using their maths and art skills to measure out the size of an Anderson shelter before kitting it out for use! The children then swapped over to try both activities. We have also been learning about evacuees, rationing, The Battle of Britain and the Blitz. We ended the day trying on the gas masks we had made. I hope you enjoy the pictures of our learning.

Welcome to the Blog Squad!

Hello, my name is Oliver. Over the next few weeks, I will be one of your publishers for the usual Monday blog, we are working on sharing the stories that need sharing. I’d just like to say that we will be making stories nearly every week so please stay tuned in!

Thank you,                                                                                                                                                             Oliver

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