P5 Enterprise Excellence

The children of Primary 5 have absolutely blown our socks off with their creative, enterprising, team working skills.

I have been up till the wee hours counting, and recounting the money that the children have made from the Virgin money “Make a £5 Grow” Challenge.

The children are pictured with Christmas cards that they have made for the children staying in Ward 15 over Christmas.


As part of our data handling maths focus we collated our profits, made an enormous bar chart and analysed our results.

“The most popular profit made was between £11 and £20, as 8 people succeeded in making that.” Alister noticed

“5 people have made more than £100 profit Mrs Kerr!!” Ruby declared

“There is money in every single box Mrs Kerr, EVERYONE has grown their £5!!”  announced Argyle.

So, without further ado, the final results are in ……….

The P5 have raised in total ….drum roll please……£1,094.23!!!!!!!!


However, what I am MOST impressed by, is the compassion these children have shown, as they asked if they could donate some of their profits to charity, to help those less fortunate than themselves.  The children then researched and voted on the charities they wanted to donate money to.

They have decided that 35% of their profits will go to the following charities :

The Children’s ward at DGRI

SCIAF Real Gifts


We will be donating £128 to each charity in the New Year. Watch this space for more photographs.

The remaining £710.23 will go towards a P5 class trip, which will occur next year.

Big thanks are due to Mrs Graham, Mrs Woods, and Miss Griffin for all their help in assisting me in the running of this project, and to the children and their family members who helped them achieve these fantastic results!

Have a good Christmas!

Mrs Kerr




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