Day 4


mud,mud,mud but fun, fun, fun.
mud,mud,mud but fun, fun, fun.

DSCF4398 SAM_0302SAM_0302SAM_0239 SAM_0244 SAM_0248 SAM_0249 SAM_0252 SAM_0255 SAM_0259 SAM_0266 SAM_0270 SAM_0271 SAM_0276 SAM_0284 SAM_0286 SAM_0293 SAM_0298Woohoo everyone slept until the alarm!!
Up bright eyed & bushy tailed!

A busy day of fencing, nightline, iventure, environmental art & D.I.S.C.O!

Photos sooooon!

44 thoughts on “Day 4”

  1. hope you have great DISCO!!!!!!!!!!!. THE 3G SWING LOOKED COOL!!!!!!!!!!AND SO DID THE LEAP OF FAITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hi Lennon, the leap of faith is as high as our school roof!
    The disco is in the hall with flashing lights & and our instructors are the DJs.
    say hi to everyone from all of us. Mrs A

  3. Can someone confirm Jake Ellis has actually arrived in kingswood as I’ve not seen a pic of him yet? Has mrs A locked him on the bus??

  4. Lol no he’s definitely been here & been having a great time. I will add a photo of him now. But check out wigtown’s blog too!!

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