On Friday 27th January we celebtated Burns’ day by holding a Scottish afternoon for the whole School. P3-7 organised the afternoon and a full programme was delivered as can be seen above. Everyone had a thorourghly enjoyable time and it was evident the many talented individuals we have at Kirkcowan School.
Scottish Dancing action shot
‘Address to a Haggis’
Scots’ poem winners receiving their goody bags
Some of our talented musicians…more to follow on videos
P6/7 reciting ‘Tam O’Shanter’
Thank you to everyone who took part. Mrs Stevenson & Miss Skilling
Well done to all the dancers & musicians & those who recited their poems – a great afternoon. Kirkcowan has lots of talent & a very well done to Nathan, Karen & Finlay, winners of the poetry competition.
” Everybody said their poems really well” Callum Adams
I really enjoyed that day it was great fun!
I really enjoyed the scots afternoon. I thought everybody was really good at their poems but a big thumbs up to Keiran, Finaly, Toron, Libby, Karen, Zak, Leona ,Jamie and Nathan.Well done to Nathan, Karen and Finaly our poetry winners. Well done everybody.
I loved playing the piano!The scots afternoon was really fun I hope everyone enjoied it!A big well done to all the people who got through Keiran,Finaly,Torin,Libby and Zak!Also a well done to Nathan and Finaly for wining!I thought everyone had got a prize!