Recently Hutton Primary School and Rock UK worked together to build a bug hotel on the school grounds…in the pouring rain. They firstly went out in the rain to investigate bugs that lived in the grounds and found things like like snails, slugs, worms, woodlice, spiders, beetles and mites. They identified the different species and their habitats. Then they went indoors to dry off and to design the bug hotel. Finally they had their design ready they went outside again to find the natural and school materials. In order to accommodate the bug they wanted to attract they needed- a wooden pallet, bricks, wood, stones, leaves, plastic bottles stuffed with sticks, pebbles, leaves, canes, paper and cardboard. The reason they built the bug hotel was to increase biodiversity in the school grounds. This will contribute to the school’s application for their third Green Eco-Schools Flag. Having Green Flags means a lot to them because it demonstrates their enthusiasm for eco issues.