Today at school there was snow in the playground so we went to do our learning outdoors.We firstly learned our spelling words by different activites.In my pair we got a trowel to write in the snow.We made 3D words but that didn’t work out because the snow was to poudery. We were then told to make a game in ours pairs that we would shair with the class.Daniel and I made a game and here are the instructions.
1)Make sure there is snow
2)Write the vowels(e,i,a,o,u) in the snow
3)Get a blindfold
4)Get a friend
5)Blindfold them and give them a snowball
6)Spin them round a couple of times
7)Get them to throw their snowball
8)Make sure they hit a vowel
9)Then let them think of a word with their vowel in it
10)Make sure they spell it correctly and who ever gets the most correct wins.
Then we went to the top playground to learn our big maths learn-its. We were put into pairs again and had to write our big maths learn-its in the snow. Then we got a picture taken of us standing next to all the learn-its.