it was vey icy so there was a lot of peeps at the frozen pond
it was very icy and it was frozen so people can ICE SKATE ON IT!!!!!!!!!! Yoy almost everybody was there I was not but I was somewhere else everybody was talking about it and there was also a patch of ice at the school too and everybody wanted to go on the one at the woods so ice skating was the number 1 thing to do at the woods because everyone feel in love with ice skating. #Ice
All the thing that I saw people were doing was
Making Balance boards
Going on nature walks
ice skating
hide and seek
but now after it snowed and all the #Ice i just want SUN
here is an image gallery for u
Close up on the icemena on the iceanother close upwow
There are five different sensory organs, the tongue for taste, the ears for hearing, and the skin for touch, the nose for smell and the eyes for vision. Ben and I chose the tongue, which is a very interesting to thing to find out about.
One of the facts that Ben found out was that we use our tongues to digest food and to help us speak.
Since Monday 29th January this year we have been set a personal body project to find out about 5 major internal organs. The 5 that I chose was the brain, small intestine, kidneys, stomach and the lungs. We had to find the size, function, purpose, colour, location and any relating health problems. The one that I like most was the finding out about the brain. You will find a photo above this post.