Newsround P1-3

This afternoon we watched Newsround. There are people who found dinosaur fossils on a beach in North Alaska. They would have grown up to 30 feet, and it would have lived in the dark a lot of the time. They were plant eaters and they had duck beaks for mouths.

There were also cleaners who go up high buildings and statues. They use special pressure washers and they have to climb up with really strong ropes. Jack and James quite fancy doing that for a job. Ethan and Miss Stapleton don’t think we’d like the height.

One of the other stories was about people on school buses getting bullied. If someone is bullying you, go and talk to someone about it.

Machines On Newsround

Today on Newsround there was a NON–drivable tractor that could move itself around and it could do everything tractors do when humans sit on it but this machine could do it all by itself!

Another story on Newsround was a drone that told farmers  when their fields were finished being ploughed by the driver-less tractor.

The last machine story was another drone that went under water instead of in the air. It was made to kill of some species of armoured starfish.

By Kaylan P4  

The latest newsround!!!

Newsround today was about a lot of things starting with jet Man.

Have you ever wondered what it is like to fly like a bird? Meet jet Man. There is a man with jet propelled wings and everybody calles him jet man. You have to move your body left to turn left you have to turn your body right to turn right.

A lamb has been born in whales called Jake and he has 5 legs  but he is just fine and he is prancing around like all lambs do.

There is a frog in Cameroon that is nearly extinct and they have been born in London at London zoo we are hoping that there habitats will rise over the years and they will not become extinct.

The lynx a kind of big cat has been realised into the wild and everybody is having a debate to see if we should keep them out in the wild or not.

We did the newsround quiz of the week we got 7/10 which is not a bad score I thought we would get them all correct but we did not.

In Nepal there has been an earthquake and many people have lost homes and lifes. Some countries are sending aid (stuff they need) like: tents,food,water,and clothes. And the famous mount everist has had lots of avalanches. 17 people have been kilt on Everest and over 3,000 people died because of the earthquake.




Newsround today

There’s a man who can fly in the sky like a bird or a plane using jet propelled wings. He is called Jet Man. He is from the USA and he is a fully trained pilot. Please do not try this at home!!!

There were more frogs on Newsround again this week. This time, an endangered frog from Cameroon has been bred in captivity in London Zoo. This is a good thing because it means we are saving the species.

Also there was a Lynx which is now endangered. People killed it for its fur, and also to stop it killing farm animals. They are having a debate about if we should do something about it.

There has been an earthquake in Nepal. Mount Everest is in Nepal, and it has made avalanches. Over 3000 people have been killed. People from other countries are trying to help them.

Tune in next week for more Newsround stories! by P1-4


Newsround today was mostly about the General Election. This is when 18s and over can vote for who they want to be our new prime minister of the UK. P1-4 didn’t think it was the most exciting Newsround but we had a talk about how important it is to the country. There were children interviewing Nicola Sturgeon who is the SNP leader.

Then we went and watched a clip about a new species of frog that has been discovered. It is see-through. It is called a glass frog, and you can see its organs inside it. It is not made of glass though. The frog lives in Central America so we probably won’t see it in our garden.

After that we watched the Strange, Stranger, Strangest video. The first story was about a gorilla that walks on two legs like us. The second video was about a chimpanzee hitting a drone down from the air with a stick and investigating it. The last story was about a new chef robot that can cook us dinner, but you have to use some special gloves to work it. We can’t buy it yet and it will cost loads of money when we can so we are not sure if we want one.

Topical Science

We are starting to watch Newsround and find out a bit about what is going on in the world of science.


There is a baby orang-utan that was rejected by its mum in Berlin, and has come to Dorset Zoo. We all think it is really cute.

There is a sea in Kazakhstan called the Aral Sea, it has shrunk and almost vanished. The fish in it died. People moved away because there was no fishing so they needed new jobs. They have built  a dam to try and save it. The water level is already getting higher again so hopefully this will work.

Scientists are trying to build parking spaces in space! They are putting cables on to the International Space Station so astronauts can park when they go up to visit. They hope that they will be able to use them by 2017.

In Britain people want to start using the tide to make electricity to power our homes. It would be clean energy which we think would be good, but fisherman are worried it might effect fish in the river. We might ask Emily from Fishing for the Future what she thinks when she’s next in.


Scientists think that 334,000 men and women should go for 20 minutes walk every day and can lower the risk of death!!!

Also scientists found that a fifth of the study group did no exercise at work or in there own time!!!

The researchers say that in 2008,9.2million people in Europe died and that 337,000 of these deaths were due to obesity!!!

If you would exercise for 20 minutes a day you would survive 8 months longer!


By Lewis 🙂




The robot that builds itself

Scientists have built a Japanese robot that was inspired by origami it can fold itself up and walk away. It can walk 5cm per second Scientists say these robots are really strong for there weight. They may be possible for Scientists to make shelters that build there self after disasters.

by keira


Beagle 2 found

after a long 12 years after the beagle 2 lander was launched, it has thought to have been spotted on mars.

NASA’S Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has found the missing Beagle 2 lander that touched down on mars on Christmas day 2003. The lander’s solar panels and aerial didn’t unfold, so it couldn’t transmit back to earth.



Excuse to go to the Park !!

Just 10 minutes in the park every day can make you happier and healthier. Scientists have researched and found that spending a short time in the park everyday can make you less stressed and less sad.

This is a good excuse to get your parents to take you to the park for a play. Miss Dale likes to have a go on the swings and she feels much less grumpy afterwards 🙂

I like  swinging on the monkey bars, it always makes me laugh!!!

Hope to see you at the park soon!!

by Ryan

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