Shoenique!!!! (how to make a shoe) Hello Human Beings #5



today I will be showing you how to paint a shoe  by yourself next time I make a blog I will be telling you how to paint a shoe

Step 1: Buy a pair of blank shoes

you cant paint on a pair of shoes with things on them it would be hard to sketch and paint on them

Step 2: Sketch Your ideas in a notebook

You need to sketch your design before you paint them it is a good idea so you know what to paint!!!! Top Tip: Draw Multiple Ideas And pick your favourite

Step 3: Draw Your design onto the shoes with a pencil

You need to draw it on the shoes you can colour it in

Step 4: Colour it in with fabric pens!

so people can see your shoes Top Tip: use bright colours so people can see them clearly (and yourself lol)


Use paint for big areas

use bright colours so people can see them clearly (and yourself lol)

When planning your idea draw multiple ideas then pick your favourite


keep your eye on the next blog I do

by the way I like shoenique


Creative club shoenique! #1

hi sevi here today I am going to tell you about the new club shounique. The club is run by Mrs Nyondo! there are lots of people and all of them enjoy it a lot!

We are making a set of clothes

right now we are doing shoes!!!!!!!

We are designing some shoes here is a picture of Nancy’s shoes:

I cant show you mine because they are not done/

But I can tell you what I will do with them I will make one show things I like but the other shoe stuff I don’t like

Thanks for reading my blog!

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