Sevi’s Storm Challenge! (Tom Gates)

Hello Everyone!

Due to storm Eyown holywood Primary school was closed, But it wasnt a day off! Miss Dale sent us an email with loads of activitys to choose from such as.. Art and design.. Maths.. And pe!

I decided to do Art and design and the big read! 

The art and design bit was Tom gates themed 

In case youve never heard of tom gates it is a book series written by Liz Pichon featuring tom gates and his freinds

The picture needed to look like tom gates drew it so i spent an hour working on it.. Here it is!

Do you like it? It includes my favrouite things such as.. Popcorn My pets freinds and family rainbows pasta and more!

Look forward to the part 2 where i made a movie about a book called the queens hat!

The Big Dog Lauren Child Festival


For my Easter holidays i went to go and see Lauren child in the big dog book festival she was talking about here new Clarence bean  book called smile you should read it because it has a lot of stuff about being Eco friendly! 

in the book Clarence Bean studies smiles and all the types of smiles (:   😀

the book is also a lot about daydreaming and at the end of the event she signed one of my Lauren child books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cant wait to go to the next years big dog festival



by sevi

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