” Soil Or No Soil? “

Will it grow with no soil I think not, but lets wait and se!    What you will need: Soil,50ml of water,40 seeds and a pot.

Method with soil:

First put soil in a pot.

Then Bury 20 seeds in the soil.

Now fill the pot with 25ml of water .

Method without soil:

First put 20 seeds in a pot.

Then put 25ml of water in the pot.

By Scott

Solar Eclipse


Today is when the solar eclipse happened there were a lot of methods to see the eclipse like getting 2 pieces of white card and put a pinhole in the middle of the one card and go outside, cast a shadow on the white card and you should see a projected image of the eclipse on the white card. Also Ethan brought in special glasses for the eclipse.

By Ethan and Lewis





The black death is a disease also known as the Great Plague. The black death was bought by Asian traders. It is Asia’s Gerbils, long tailed ground squirrels and Altai marmots are more to blame than rats, as people previously thought.

By Lewis

Cross Country

p4-7 are going to be doing a cross country event we have been training for it in P.E last time I came 7th then Rueben came 9th and Blair came 10th.

by Scott


Scientists think that 334,000 men and women should go for 20 minutes walk every day and can lower the risk of death!!!

Also scientists found that a fifth of the study group did no exercise at work or in there own time!!!

The researchers say that in 2008,9.2million people in Europe died and that 337,000 of these deaths were due to obesity!!!

If you would exercise for 20 minutes a day you would survive 8 months longer!


By Lewis 🙂





Bonjour salloo Je ‘ma’ pelle Scott here seca’creit S C O T T, this is hard. Ja onze oun ,ja ill(obviously)here is months:













merci oui rabais deux bleu vert juane rouge noir blanc rose they were colours

animals :cat chein cheval porc vache poulet coq moutons poisson requin

tres bien

ill pleu neige illa de brei a



Snow Leads Ice

On the hills there was snow… but now there is ICE! No snow left, what a disappointment! Im writing to report that there is no snow left on the hills which means NO SLEDGES!  That’s right we are not allowed to bring sledges to school, also we are not allowed snow ball fights because the snow is too hard. It will hurt terribly. I am so devastated but you do what you have to do. This way you will not get hurt


By Charlie

Badminton competition

Lewis and I has got through to the Nithsdale quarter final. this is my first time in the competition but Lewis has done it before and got to the final so I hope we can do that this year as well, but Lewis is a bit better than me so wish us good luck anyways


by scott

Badminton Assembly

On the 28th of January I did a assembly on badminton because it was for my school targets and because I went to the Scottish nationals!

We set up a net and we played a game called around the world which someone hits it to you and you have to run around the net if you miss it you go on the other side and try to catch the shuttlecock and if you catch the shuttlecock you will swap with the player in the other side.

I explained why the small racket is smaller than the bigger racket it is because of its easier to hit the shuttlecock for beginners and younger people. I said all the shots like overhand, underhand, drop shot and backhand.




By Lewis

WW2 Update

We have not blogged in a while that’s because we have been extremely busy with WW2 every day this week and almost every day last week and im here to give you an update on what WW2 stuff and things we have been doing. Miss Dale set us 4 tasks to do one were we had to research and make identity cards, she also set us the task of blackout that’s were at a certain time every one had to show no light outside your house, also one were we had to research and create a air raid shelter. Last but not least gas masks we had to research and make them.

All caught up 🙂

by Scott p7

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