P.E. day.

On   P.E   day    we  choose teams   and   the  we  go  were  the   leader  goes   …   P.E   is  only   on    Fridays  and  Mondays…

Skills we were working on today were:





It was important to watch the leader carefully in order to keep up with them.

I enjoyed gym today, next time I would like to learn to run faster and learn how to jump higher for sports day.

By Reuben


This week in P.E we were in teams doing follow the leader over extra small, small, meduim and big hurdles and we went under poles over the hills and through the tunnels but Axel bashed his head the first time my group went through the tunnels.


Lewis McNish and Axel

Hurdle Jumping in PE!

In PE we had 4 hurdle sizes. there was a Baby one that was 5cm high, a medium sized one that was 10cm high, a big one that was 15cm high and a realy big one that was 20cm high

Ethan P4

Tower Project

Miss Dale set us technology challenge to make a tall tower that holds a cup of water. You could go by your self or in pairs or in a three Lewis M Ryan and I went in a three . After school we all came to my house made it only took us 25 mins to do and we have one of the talest towers. by Scott

Coffee Morning

Every Wedensday Mrs kirk takes 4 pupils to the coffee morning at Holywood hall last wedensday me jennifer Lewis R Olivia all went.But for jennifer and i it was our first time but Lewis and Olivia had been before .                                                    by Scott

Kenyan Round House

On Wednesday the 13th of may Mr Steve and Mr John came from obugi primary all the way to holywood school.
Mr Steve and Mr John said they would help us build a kenyan round that we could do outdoor learning in and maybe eat our lunch also to play in. First of all Mr Steve, Tom and Mr John built the model. Then they made the roof, after that they put willow
round the sides to mould mud around. Later on Blairs dad came with a whole trailer full of mud so we took wheel barrels and buckets of mud over to the kenyan round house. We dug A hole in the middle of the mud and filled it with water.
Then we mixed it up but it was to sandy so we had to collect leaves to put in it to make it stick.
We mixed the leafs,water and mud together
then we covered the kenyan round house in mud but it still didn’t work so we had to get the wood that we used on the roof to cover it and put on the inside we are still covering it in mud and are hoping to get it finished soon!!!

Gretna green

At 3:17 on Wednesday, my Mum came to pick up Mr Steven Odhiambo and Mr John Odegu, then Mr Odhiambo and Mr Odegu went into my car. Then my mum drove to Gretna Green it took half an hour. When we got there it was raining and then we met Mrs Carter from Lockerbie Primary School they had two Kenyan visitors too. Then we went to shop. I bought Lucozade and went outside. The Kenyans were taking pictures of the statues. After that we went to the marriage bit. People were getting married, they were from England. They came and married in Scotland because it is a law in England you’re only allowed to marry when you are 18 but in Scotland you’re allowed to marry when you are 16. Then we went to a whisky and gift shop. Mr Odhiambo and Mr Odegu were taking photos of the Sculpture Park. After that we went to Smith’s Hotel. First we got some drinks, I had Irn-bru, the Kenyan teachers had red wine. Then we ordered something to eat, I had pepperoni pizza and fries, Mr Odegu had chicken and leek pie and Mr Odhiambo had chicken fillet burger. One hour later we were finished our dinner then we had a half an hour talk. Then we went in the car, my mum drove to Dumfries. My mum was talking to the Kenyans for half an hour finally we were in Dumfries. We went to Edinburgh Road to drop Mr Odhiambo and Mr Odegu at Miss Dale’s house. They really enjoyed their dinner.
Lewis Reid P5

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