ITS THE WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok so its saturday today but here is stuff im doing……. From Friday – Saturday
i woke up VERY early like i did on saturday and
i wished it was saturday
then i went to school
ok so i started reading 1 of my old books
its about a cat who got lost and is now adopted to a family called the yamadas
and at the end of the book it has a cat forecast for future volumes.
and when i woke up i was playing with my new nintendo 2ds xl and got a game which i cant understand i will have to read its manual
Tree Planting Pics
Yesterday I made 2 ice gardens using plants and flowers
I put some plants and flowers and water into 2 different tubs then froze it. In the morning I proceeded to put the tubs into hot water which made a little bit of the ice melt which made it easier for me to get it out with out cracking it.
Here are some photos.
Ok, so there’s a lot of photos but comment if you think I did a good job,or don’t I’m not the boss of you.
I’m going to do the ice sculpture next so check back!
by Hannah.
Drama with miss Stapleton
At my school on Thursday we have Big Thursdays where we have drama and we where doing Murder Mystery at a dinner party in a manor house! The person who was killed was…THE EARL! (the earl was the man who owned the house.)It was very fun because my character was the lady.(the wife)
Food and nutrition
This week we have ben learning about food and nutrition and to get heather apple juice is heather than orange juice strawberry milk is worst . We made banana posters we watched a film about a plantation in Costa Rica it is the size of 324 foot ball pitches. The bananas that are too long get thrown in to a trailer and it gets turned in to baby food.
Gavin P5
SNOW FUN!!!!!!!!!
Today we were in a winter wonderland when it snowed over night. My mum said that we were the only school open. anyway we went sledge down the big hill me and Mark went speeding down half way through Mark jumped of and went rolling. Me Greg and Mark built a snowman called Olaf named after the snowman Frozen by Disney. Me and Mark throw millions of snowballs at people and made a giant snowball to roll down the hill, It nearly squashed Mark. then we had to go in.
Tree Den/platform
Hi! John and Lewis Mcnish have been recently making a tree platform made out of blue rope and thick sticks they have almost finished the platform. John and Blair have found 2 ways to climb up and down the tree to get to the platform.
Football club
Football club is were we practise football. It’s at 3 o ‘clock to 4 o ‘ clock first we learn some skills) then our coach gets our teams ready) we also play a few football games.
By Reuben.
Personal Project All About Tanks:)
Hello we have started a Personal Project. My project is all about tanks. We recently bought a reading box and for our personal project we were asked to get the best reading card that we read and then read it again and then write down all the information that we could find.
Written by John P5