we have been making ice lanterns. its easy and they look pretty. if you want to make some you will only need a freezer, and candles and/or glow sticks and balloons.
First fill a ballon with water and tie it and put in your freezer. check it after a couple of hours (you need to wait until the outside has frozen but you can still hear the water sloshing about in the middle. big ones might take a while.)
once its ready take it out of the freezer and snip the tie of the ballon. and peel the balloons skin off. you shoud have a lovely circular lantern. put it back in the freezer if you dont want to use it straight away. you can light them up with candles or glowsticks or both.
its fun when they are outside on a cold night because they don’t melt. we burned ours the last 2 nights they still didnt melt. they look magical. we froze other shapes too. the best one was the sandcastle shaped one and the jelly mould was good too. hope you like them.