Holidays- Sevi


We have just been on a holiday and I am going to to tell you about what I have done in the holidays!!!!!!!


For Christmas I got a green screen. A green screen is a tool that you can use when you are filming a video and when you edit it you can replace the green background with anything you want  here is an example:One day I would like to invite my friends over to make a movie with the green screen.

I am also thinking of starting a filmmaking club at holywood


2 Days before the holidays finished I went to the holywood bowl Sam won the first game and dad won the second.

after that we went to the arcade and i got 284 tickets!! and Sam got 118 tickets. 

I spent all of my tickets on strawberry refreshers 😂😂😂


Thanks for reading byeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Big Dog Lauren Child Festival


For my Easter holidays i went to go and see Lauren child in the big dog book festival she was talking about here new Clarence bean  book called smile you should read it because it has a lot of stuff about being Eco friendly! 

in the book Clarence Bean studies smiles and all the types of smiles (:   😀

the book is also a lot about daydreaming and at the end of the event she signed one of my Lauren child books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cant wait to go to the next years big dog festival



by sevi

holiday blog

the holidays are over and the pupils are sad but in 44 days the p7s leave for induction days 🙂

during my holiday one of my friend gave me WWF figures and one was hulk Hogan ( the real American
). plus a 1992 limited edition undertaker with a awesome tattoo called Zara.

plus I started a nerf gun crew called the nation of domination it has 9 members and over 150 actual nerf guns I picked the longshot ec10 and a nerf hamerstrike and pump action shot gun I called sally but I will be using the stampede ecs 12 customized with 3 modulus attachments and a 30 drum mag .

           by Elliot


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