Cross Country Racing!

Today, the 26th  of March P4-7  had a … Cross Country Race!!! We left at quarter past 9 to go to King George V. The P4-7  did a  race first. But Keira was the only girl from our school so we were very proud of her. Well done Keira!!!! We really really enjoyed it. Most of us came back breathless. Too bad that Abigail and Lewis Reid could not participate. Charlie came 9th and I came 16th because there was a lot of boys racing and I also hurt my leg. I do not know if we will do it again but hopefully we can. Charlie thinks she has permanately damage her voice cheering for Keira.


By Charlie P6 and Lewis P6

Week In The Woods

We went up the woods to collect some sticks. We used the sticks to make dens in the playground. We got to make our own groups and we stuck with the groups we had for the rest of the Week.

Trees and Leaves:
We learned in how to measure trees by looking underneath our legs. To figure out the Age you hug it.

Mini Beasts:
We looked at lot of different mini beast like:
Ground Beetles
Slugs and lots more

Camp fires:
On Thursday we had a topic about campfires. We made a chocolate banana, Toasted marshmallows and made fish. We ate EVERYTHING. My opinion was that it is awesome.

Thank you, for every one who took part even parents.

By Olivia Sneddon and Charlie Marshall

Sensory Organs

There are five different sensory organs, the tongue for taste, the ears for hearing, and the skin for touch, the nose for smell and the eyes for vision. Ben and I chose the tongue, which is a very interesting to thing to find out about.

One of the facts that Ben found out was that we use our tongues to digest food and to help us speak.

Laura and Ben, P7

Pupil Council Healthy Fruit Tasting

The pupil council held their first event last Friday – a healthy tasting session. Pupils were challenged to taste different fruits to see which they liked or disliked. We were delighted to note how enthusiastic our pupils were to try new things. The session went very well and the results will be used to inform about different choices for free fruit and for future health events.

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