My learning

Hi its Jullien and I am going to talk about my learning, we started to decorate the wall in our classroom, We mostly fill the wall with the learning we’ve done over the term but the last term we learned about the Scottish parliament and this term we are learning about world religions.

We are in like teams so 4 different ones. I am in the Christian team with Carson and we are now making paintings of a church. We are also doing gymnastics for P.E I don’t really like it but I have to do it. Mrs Mcnay is also thinking about doing some parkour, I don’t have a problem about that. I also did a speech about Christianity but I was suppose to do it with Carson but he was sick so I did it as a solo. Here is a link you can click on so you can see it .Christianity

Just click on “Christianity”

That’s it I think Bye!!

Big Woodland Break With Ice!

Hi it’s Jullien,  I am going to tell you about woodland break because it was icy and that only happens once a year. It’s only ice once a year (mostly January) And its always very fun because you can get very big chunks of ice and slide on the ice. There was like a championship of who can slide the furthest But I just broke the ice with Findlay and Carson. The other kids and Miss Dale NOT like that but we did:)


Hi its Jullien and  and here is a quiz for you to know what Book you should read!! and this one

My 2024 Targets.

Hi its Jullien and these are my new targets for this new year!

I want to be on a higher spelling workout list (28) but now I’m on 23 so it is going to be pretty close but hope that I can finish it!

I am pretty confident that I can make longer describing sentences. And my decoding is pretty good now so I think I’m done and confident with those.


the opening night of the show.

hello its Jullien and Rory and we are gonna talk about the opening night of the show (you should know if you read the title)

The show we did was Aladdin trouble Rory was the Genie. Jullien was a villager and a suitor. As a villager its pretty boring because I just have to stand on stage and be quiet. but the genie is the opposite because as the Genie I get to talk a lot but Actually the villagers are on stage more than the Genie! but that doesn’t make me not want to be the Genie I still love being the genie! The night was pretty fun but I still don’t understand why we have to go to school after school because I just wanna stay home. Afterwards I was allowed to eat a freddo so it was a good night.




Leadership Thing P7

Hi its Jullien and I am going to tell about a leadership thing we did with a teacher (Mrs Jardine) for 3 weeks on Tuesday afternoon. The first week we just played some games. Rory and me made something called “Hulk tag” and it is where you get ‘it’ then you have to become all big and strong. You can get cured by another person tapping you on your shoulder. The next time we did it we created another game and got a little book where we explained the game. Me Rory and Niamh made a game like capture the flag but if you got ‘it’ you needed to throw soft red balls at the side and if you got hit by a ball you also needed to throw balls. We kind of played it with p7 but we didn’t really have enough people to play. The next week we did it with P1-3 so then we did have enough kids so we played the games and that is it bye:) 


Hi its Jullien and i am going to talk about the triathlon all the way at the beginning Mrs Mcnay told us what to do when we are there, When the the bus arrived we stepped in but not everyone could fit in the bus but i couldn’t so i went in Mrs mcnays car, wen we arrived we had to wait for a bit so we just talked when we where allowed to go in we changed and swam then we needed to bike and then run thats all bye!

Debating (strike days)

“Dogs are better than cats” I asked my Mom,Dad,Brother if dogs are better then cats?

My mom said yes because its healthier for you and to get more of a active life.

My dad said no because he likes how cats are self caring and you dont have to walk them everyday for 1 hour.

My brother said no because cats are more simple to handle and they are smaller and its easier to go away from your house.

I think no because cats are smaller and easier and my cats always sleep next to me.

Thats it bye!! By Jullien🐒

week in the woods.

Hi its Jullien and Rory and we are going talking about Week in the woods, On Monday we played some games with a bell and we played some sardines then we played music with woodland resources and then it was big break.

on Tuesday we examined an area of plants then painted them which was fun we also measured trees with pencils and people then found out what they were.

on Wednesday all the primary sixes made a pulley system to carry a rock then i rory) went and made a mud sculpture then played.


on Thursday we played games and made a den we also done that on friday

D-day newsround

Hi it jullien and I am going to tell about d-day its a day from WW2 where Germany was trying to invade Great Britain and the soviet union at the same time so Germany wasn’t that strong as usually. So Great Britain tricked Germany by making signs on the other part of France so America Canada Great Britian came with Air,land,water vehicles and it was very cold in moscow that it is called the cold war over there!

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