Hi it is Daisie and Tayla - Mae here. In the Hinduism topic we where writing 7 facts about gods and goddesses. Here are some gods there is Shiva , Kiva ,Ganesha and Brahman. Everyday we do writing for 15 minutes. Today we done it about a little robot. Here is a link to the video- https://www.literacyshed.com/origins.html
school show !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Daisie speaking here. Today I am going to talk about the school show. in the show I am an Oompa Loompa. we need to wear red dungarees with a pink W for our face paint we have an orange face with green eyebrows and red cheeks. All of the other Oompa Loompas are Talia , Amber , Beth , Jackson , Asil , Me , Liam , Isla g , Thomas , Alfie and Mabel. that is all from me today bye bye
in class we have been learning about forces. the forces are push, pull, twist. we done a Kahoot quiz on forces. we also watched a few videos about forces. in math we have been playing buzz and splat. we have also been rounding.
Big Thursday Art
Our Learning P4/5
Homework: This week we got our spelling workout jotters to take home. We also got maths homework - options sheet. Charlotte's Web: We have been reading this book. This morning we made a huge spider web including the whole literacy class. We passed wool across the circle when we said words we needed to find the meaning of. Big Thursday: First, we went to Mrs McNay to do art/photography. We were taking photos of still objects. Then, we had Miss Patterson after break. We played tennis. After Lunch, for the first half of the afternoon we were doing drama with Mrs Murray. In drama we were acting out the Olympic sports. Last, we were with Miss McCaskie making smores. that is all we have time for today bye bye
All about the campover
hi we will be toking about camp over me and Alexi camped over together we had so much fun because we were Unseperateble and kept laughing So much
All about the Ocean By Claudia & Daisie
we have been learning about the ocean and different layer’s of the ocean and the animal’s in the different layers of the ocean. The different layers of the ocean are Sunlight zone, Twilight zone, Midnight zone, The abyss and The trench that is all of the layers of the ocean Claudia is in the The abyss and Daisie is in Twilight zone. Some animals in twilight zone are jellyfish, starfish and urchin and in the abyss the animals are a Jellyfish, Squid and a goblin shark and that is all of the abyss animal’s .
That’s all from us see you later bye bye
all about our gala groups
by Alexi and carlay
carlay’s gala group is nails and squishes we are making homemade squishes from balloons we will put shaving foam and water rice you can get any pattern 1.50 for plain 2.50 for any pattern or glitter. Alexi’s gala group is ruby and grace and we do juice and ice cream
by Alexi and carlay X_X¬_¬
P3-5 Electrician Visit
Hi Daisie and Miss McCaskie here, today we are going to talk about Mr McCaskie/ Miss McCaskie’s Dad. Mr McCaskie came into P3-5 to talk about electricity and being an electrician. He showed us a pen that senses power and we tested it on our arms to show static energy. He showed us some paper building plans. These were interesting because most of us have not seen them before. They had danger warning signs, house outline and the symbol for lights that we knew already (a circle with a cross in it). He set up a laser for checking if things are straight like the lights in our classroom. He showed us his electrician license, it was gold and told us his qualifications. He then showed us the socket tester that you put in plugs to check if the power is on. This is important for an electrician because he can’t work on it if the electricity is flowing. Mr McCaskie answers lots of our questions such as “How long have you done your job?” and “Does it make you feel sad when your work is covered in buildings?”. He finished by telling us all about the dangers of electricity. His visit has helped us see how electricians use electricity everyday.
Thanks Mr McCaskie from all of us in P3-5. We were very excited about the information you told us and your tools.
All about Maths
Hi today we are going to talk about maths. in maths were doing some budgeting. we also do around the world and it is very fun. we only had 15 pounds and we had to buy a starter , a main , a dessert and drinks.
bye for now
daisie and ruby