hi guys today in math we were learning about shapes such as a sphere and a square and a triangle. did you know that a sphere has no pointis and1 side.
All about P.E
first we change into our P.E kit .Then In P.E we normaly start by playing a game of it. Then we do Circuts. We do plank, push ups and more .and we do a mini marathon a mini marathon is were we run around the field five our ten times and its so long .We also have been learning about our body and skeleton.
Hello big thursday was fun thankfor listening goodbye
All about big Thursday.
On big Thursday we first do photography and in it we learned to take better and cooler pictures and then we do p.e in p.e we learned how to catch and how to play tennis and after lunch we do drama in drama we make up stories about our amajinashon then we do out outdoor skills in outdoor skills we make wood animals and learn to do first aid and then it will be home time
all about boicca.
In boicca the lady gives us red and blue balls an we sat on to benchis the red team sat on one bensh and the blue team sat on one bensh then she put two hoops in front of each bench then we hade to try and roll the ball in to the hoops who ever has the most balls in the hoops at the end they win.
I will show you pictures of what we did.
leaving the Island. – Book Review
The book is written by Judith O’neill.
I will rate the book 2 stars.
In the beginning it was Philip’s 10th birthday but it was ruined because he was leaving the island.In the middle they travelled to the mainland. At the end he found a seagull on the step of his door he made it feel better then he let it go.
I thought that the book made me feel the same as when I moved house.
By Asil
all about my holiday
on my summer holiday I went to a camp with my family and my friends family and we had a bbq it was amazing and on the last day of the summer holiday I went to my friend maya for a sleep over wen I was there we went to a shop called lidl and we got ice cream it was lovely and we stad up to twelv a clock and we stoped at farm food to get strawberres and the day befor I went I went to dino park it was fantastic on the day I went it was so sunny I loved it and on the day I went we got donuts filld of choclate and there was a mashen full of toys at the store but we didint get a toy because we forgot to bring a pound with us wen we got to here hous we so her cat micky and her tine kitinsv they wher so so so so adoribls.
bye bye.
by asil.
all about week in the woods.
In week in the woods I drew a flower and it was poison and we all got an orange and we eat what was in it and when we finished we filled it with chocolate mix and we put it on the fire and we enjoyed it and then we helped to clean the paper and the paint palets for the paints and then we went back and we eat our lunch and we had a play for 15 minuts then we went back we had an even better play. the next day we eat smores and it was the worst day because I couldn’t have marshmallows and we went for lunch we enjoyed all the week in the wild life.
by asil.
by asil.
All about my learning 
Today I am going to talk about my learning through the week.
Monday – On Monday the first thing we did was spelling then we wrote a recount about gala day. After break we did maths, we were learning about angles and we marked assessments. After lunch, we did our topic about oceans and the water cycle. We went with miss dale and reflected on gala day. Oh we did singing too.
Tuesday – today we had Mrs Jardine. We did spelling in the morning and then we 2 reading box cards and we read picture news and summarised it. After break we did maths. In maths we played sumdog, bump and homework options. Then we went for lunch, after lunch we did pe and then blogged
Wednesday – we did writing about washing out hands,
all about my learning today.
hello asil here today I am going to talk about my learning this morning my class did spelling and then we did hand writing and then we went for break and then we came back and did maths we went in our maths groups and we finished that and went to lunch and then lunch break and we went and did blogs and we are going to do our display wen we do the display we are going home .
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeebye.by asil