Hi I’m Daniel I got a game called farming simulator for my nintendo and a football as well as a liverpool mo salah and a real madrid top. I got a lot of lego sets for christmas two star wars one lego city sets and I got some lemomade prime that I loved it. My Gramma came and Grandad came and finally my great grandad came. Wallet and some money. and I got a lot football packs and a nerf gun and it came with bubble bath for some odd reason. for my Christmas dinner I had roast turkey. And I went to football camp for to days and it was really good but my auntie’s present was lost in the post so we don’t have them yet that’s really sad. that’s all I have today good by. THE END BY DANIEL
takeing toy to charity.
The Head teacher and I took all the toys that were left over from gala day to the charity shop called Lift D & G – Community Exchange. Thanks to all the people who gave us toys for Gala Day at Holywood School. You helped us to raise money and now you are helping the local community too!!
by Daniel
sports day! 2023
Hello I am Daniel.
On sports day we do loads of sports and races and they are very fun. The first race was the sack race and I won it! then I ran back for all the other classes. now it was the egg and spoon race and I came 3rd cause I kept falling but I still got a sticker then I ran back again but when I came back my head teacher gave me a camera to take pictures or little videos to take and some times I took some videos then I ran back for the skipping race. I got ready and then it turned out I was rubbish at skipping but I still came 3rd but that’s ok with me. next was the running race and I am very good at the running race and guess what I came 1st I and again I ran back. Then it was the coach and horses and me and my friend Brody came 2nd in coach and horses and my other friends came first!!
Danies toy shop.
my name is Daniel and we made a toy shop stoll and we sold about 20 toys and made about 40 or 50 pounds that is a lot of money!but whith all the stolls we made £520.29 p. And we had a lot of toys.And we had this game where you toss a bean bag and if you got the bean bag in the small hoal we wood give them a sweety and bubles but if you got it throo the big hoal you wood get a sweet.
by Daniel
Danies toy shop.
This week we have been doing gala groups.gala groups is were we get old toys that we do not play with then we sell them at my school to people who wants them.But on this Friday we have to put some more stars on the toss the been bag stand.We need to put about 8 more stars on the stand.And we are doing a toy shop and game shop.We need to sort out the toys.But what is really exciting that this week is gala week were we sell all the toys this Friday but we will have a little bit of time to sort out the toys then we will hope we will sell all the toys so we could get the school some money.
Daniel J.