Our Learning

Hello Tom and Daniel here. Today we are going to talk about our learning. We are going to talk about our topic, our maths, our P.E, and our writing! First we are going to about Maths. In maths Tom and Daniel done a maths assessment and we are both on level two. We have not got are score yet. Now we are going to talk about P.E. In P.E we are doing circuits and they are quit hard but fun. Last week when we were doing P.E we done a bleep test and we after when we were doing are circuits we were listing to music it was funny. It is Miss Learmont teaching us P.E and she is a very fun and funny. Now on Writing we do Writing every morning and Miss Pattie marks them and puts them on a graph and we need to get over a green line what is hard. We have wrote  about a dragon, fair ground, our weekend and the human skeleton.  Now on topic our topic is the human body and we have made a human skeleton out of paper. We just started the topic so we have not done much of the topic but we are making a wall of all the stuff about the skeleton.

Howdy             By Daniel And Tom

All About Are Learning

Hi it’s Daniel and Thomas here on are IDL. We have been learning about Hinduism and today we are on a new topic now about the body. Now about Hinduism in topic. We have been making fact files. Daniel done it about Hanuman that is a monkey god and this is a picture of Giant statue of Hanuman stock photo. Image of figure - 24744580him. Funny fact time this is a fact about Hanuman, Hanuman is the commander of the monkey army!

Now about Shiva. Thomas made a fact file about Shiva another god of Hinduism. Funny fact time, Shiva is the creator of yoga. And the one below is Shiva.

30+ Best Shankar Ji Ka Photo Dpz, HD Images - NewDPz

how to make good vegetable soup


stock cube, parsnip, leeks, potato, carrot and onion

equipment, spoons knives, measuring bowl, pan, peelers, kettle and chopping board.


  1.  wash your hands.
  2.  put the chopping board on the table and peel the vegetables.
  3.  cut the veggies but on the top and bottom cut them off.
  4.  make a big pile of vegetables but make sure the onions are not in the pile.
  5.  get the pan and put the heater up to level four and put the onions in to make them in the pan to sauté them. mix them and you should hear a sizzle.
  6.  put the rest of the vegetables in and mix it.
  7.  get a measuring bowl and pour boiling water in it and get the stock cube put it in and mix it.
  8.  put it up to level nine and let it cook.
  9.  let it out to cool pour it in a bowl.
  10.  enjoy!!!

    I love making it because it was fun to cut the veggies and peel them.

Hey Mrs Jardine

Hey Mrs jardine we miss you. P4/5 have been up to so much lately without you sadly but today we made rock cakes but we have not eating them yet. and in my group to make rock cakes it was me Rune and Thomas were in a group and are doe turned out really good but Claudia’s and Carlay looked like popcorn. Halloween day: Halloween day was really fun because we got to make chocolate apples with mrs mcnay  and they were really good and we got to make sock pumpkins and they are really cute.




My October Holiday

hi It’s Daniel and in my October holidays I went to Edinburgh zoo and there were lots of animals there but my favourite animal was probably the chimps  but then there were red pandas to that were really cute and my cousins were there to it was so fun!!!



my learning!!!

hi guys today I’m going to talk about my learning and tomorrow is a really exiting day because we are going to a farm called farding James and I’m really exited because its a dairy farm to! and we are going there for are health and well being. And now i am going to talk about my football and I am really sad  because the main couch is leaving he is called john and so I may leave and my team is called Teregles. I have target setting on Thursday and I’m really exited for that to.   

my learning.

Hi its Daniel here today i’m going to talk about what I’ve done the last week.  I‘m going to talk about my storyboard that I made on Charlotte’s web and music on Monday.  If you don’t know what a storyboard is it is where you can do it on a book or a movie or more that I can’t think of something that just has a story to it so your gonna get a piece of A3 paper write your title and split the A3 into 8 boxes and put a bit where you can write and then you are gonna write what happend and then draw it in the box. On Mondays now we have a music person coming in and we are doing music stuff with him and it is called ram tam and this Monday he came in with a guitar and a harmonica and he is really good at playing the guitar.  


my football tonight!!!

hi its Daniel here and I’m going to play nine a side today to see how it feels because I play for Teregles 2014s that play seven a side but we are going to play Teregles 2013s and they play nine a side and they want to stick to there rules so we are going to do offside and throw ins and I’m really exited.



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