once there was a king how had every thing he wanted.But one day he wanted to touch the moon.So he decided he could get all the ladders in the land.Then he stacked and stacked when finely he got to the moon but he looked down he was so scared that he fainted for days.then he woke up falling he landed in a swamp.Next he tried to buy a unicorn for £500,000.but then he was so close to the moon. but the unicorn ran out of magic. the king landed in a pink bathtub tub
Hi its Brody and Miller. today we’re gonna tell you about our learning. on Tuesday we write a story called Alien Attack. And on Wednesday we made a comic strip for are writing. Miss patie is not feeling well so we had to do maths with the P1/3 and spelling with the P6/7
We are a wilderbeest and are in a stampede over mufasa. We are the jungle aswel. Are favourite song is Hakuna matata. Are favourite part was the stampede.
all about space
Life as a Chimney Sweeper (Tanith)
I can see… Cobwebs and spiders, lots of fire and so much soot.
I can smell… Lots and lots of smoke,I hate having to smell all these horrible things.
I can hear… Ash burning loudly, I hear people chatting quietly in the houses.
I can taste… The horrible dust and smoke, so so much dirty air.
I can feel… The fire sometimes when it hits you its so so sore, all the soot gets onto me and it feels terrible,I feel so trapped.
life in the coal mine (Brody)
I can see…cobwebs and spiders, rocks and coal, smoke and dust.
I can hear…Pickaxes on coal,rats or mice squeaking,people mining in the coal mine.
I can Feel…sharp rocks on my hands and knees,smooth coal,dust on you clothes.
i can smell…coal and metal,a bad pie, burning coal.
I can taste…very bad food,ash and smoke burning.
We have lots of sand at school. we need to move wheelbarrows of sand. they where hevy. 🙂