hello Grace here I am going to talk about business groups what is a business group it a group of children that do different things for the school and community I am in community helping hands it is a group that helps people in the village maintain there house and garden our groups change every year bye now
P6 so far
hi Grace here the holidays have finished and P6 is great math is much much harder but still fun in math just now we are making pyramids back up we had pyramids with questions on and we cut them up and we have to make it back up IN ORDER! by answering questions now next topic spelling we do spelling work out we do different activates and it is good that is me done bye
Our learning
Hi Grace & Tom here today we are talking about our learning we are talking about kung fu we are on different belts Grace is on yellow stripe and Tom is on green belt
we do an activity called sparing you must have sparing gear to do contact sparing and if you don’t have sparing gear yet you have to do tap sparing or shadow sparing Sparing gear for Kung Fu typically includes items like gloves, shin guards, foot pads, and a gum shield to protect yourself and your training partner during practice or sparring sessions. It’s important to invest in high-quality gear that fits well and provides adequate protection. You can find a variety of Kung Fu sparing gear at martial arts stores or online retailers. If you’re looking for specific recommendations or brands Kung fu, also known as Chinese martial arts, encompasses a variety of fighting styles that have developed over the centuries in China. These styles often involve a combination of physical exercises, self-defense techniques, and mental discipline. If you’re interested in learning more about kung fu, you may want to look into local martial arts schools or do some research on the different styles to see which one resonates with you. Martial arts is a broad term that encompasses various combat practices and traditions. Kung Fu, on the other hand, is a specific type of martial art that originated in China. Kung Fu emphasizes fluid movements, strikes, and blocks, often incorporating elements of Chinese philosophy and culture. While all kung fu is a type of martial art, not all martial arts are considered kung fu. If you’re interested in learning more about the differences between martial arts styles, you may want to explore resources that delve deeper into the history and techniques of various martial arts disciplines. Kung Fu and Karate are both martial arts with distinct origins and techniques. Kung Fu originated in China and encompasses a wide range of fighting styles, focusing on fluid movements and a variety of techniques such as strikes, kicks, and blocks. Karate, on the other hand, originated in Okinawa, Japan, and is characterized by powerful, linear movements and a strong emphasis on striking techniques like punches and kicks. While both martial arts emphasize discipline and self-defense, they have different forms, techniques, and cultural backgrounds. goodbye
our learning
gala Day we have Been working in groups of 3-6 people to make money for our school
Grace is doing an ice-cream and juice Owen is doing a toy shop. Claudia is doing skittles
and architecture and a sweet jar. we are traying to get more money
than last year! we razed over £300
Friday the 7th of June so
That’s all from us bye for now
all about spelling
Hello Grace,Claudia and Amber here
we will be talking about spelling Grace is on list 10
Claudia is on spelling list 9
`Amber does not have a spelling book but it is on a spelling app called nessy
i am a pretty good at spelling because list 10 is good and 9 is good but claudia thinks that is not good but it is amber is doing well on nessy that is all bye
Our learning (kung fu)
Hi Grace and Tom here we are going to talk about kung fu. we both go to the same place at the same time for kung fu. Our kung fu teacher is a very good teacher she has been fighting for most of her life. she is around middle age she is a very good fighter. we get to play games sometimes at the end of our lesson. Tom wants to be black belt and are belts are green and yellow stripe Tom really likes kung fu. my favourite kung fu move is a double jumping front kick, we really like kung fu we think it is very fun. this is a picture of our belts. we also have a picture of our teacher . Tom does not want to stop kung fu and he is definitely going to try my best to get to black belt witch is the last belt Tom can not stop kung fu. It is a very fun kung fu place. goodbye everyone thanks for reading a lot of words 180 to be precise. if you can give a please give a comment.
in my reading group i am reading a book about a new born elephant named poppet he is an African elephant here is picture when he was born he did not know what he was he was told mice where bad but he did not believe it went looking for a mouse he was looking and looking and he finally found a mouse he was named Momo bye
My book The Mega Monster
This book is full of suspense and with a sad twists . The main character, lacker, is a new student at the cruel school. The head mistress has not been seen in years and all the teachers are mostly evil but the gardener is not. The head mistress has been sleeping in a drawer for years. I don’t want to spoil it so I won’t say any more. You just have to read it yourself!
Learning life.
hi today Grace and Tom are talking about are learning we are both good readers and we are both on the highest level on reading witch is level 30 so we can read like an 11 year old even though we are not 11. we are in different reading groups, because a lot of people are on higher levels. math, in maths we are on different levels Tom is in circles witch is the highest levels and Grace is in squares which is the second highest level, we are working at different abilities because we are on different levels (Tom is very good at maths). Topic, grace loves topic but tom isn’t that keen on it, in topic we are working on electricity we have done circuits and researched the job of an electrician (Grace is very good at topic). P.E., in P.E. we are doing hockey and on big Thursday we get taught by Mrs Murray,
my learning
we are starting a new topic about electricity we were trying to light up different types of light using different equipment such as wires and batteries we have not been on this topic for very long so this blog is short bye by Grace