Hi Grace here I will be talking about kung fu. every Wednesday night I go to kung fu. I have bean going for a year I have past all my gradings. I am a yellow belt
the woks
Christmas day
On Christmas I got up out of bed at 10: 38 and oped my presents I got a…
a bop It !
lots of sweets
water bottle
a bean bag
and lots more but I don, t have time.
bye bye
THE SHOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
learning to front flip
at guitar I have been practising another one bites the dust 7 nation army and harry potter tune.
10 word blog helping hands
cleaning windows squges spoungse and all did not clean all
All about my holiday
hello today I am going to talk about my holiday. near the start of my holiday I stayed at my nanas house for nearly a week. I like it at my nanas house because I pretty much just chill the whole time.
I also went to holywood bowl but I didn’t like it at first because there was rude teens there but then I started bowling I got second place my dad won my mum got third and Liam got last I had a good holiday.
KAHOOT CHAOS and CREIATVIEITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hello Grace here We have been doing quizzes on a website named kahoot!!!!!!!!!!!!
you can make quizzes on it to it is extremely FUN !
We did a quiz on forces and who ever got the most points won.
I got third place on 2 and second on 1.
My class mate Harry got first place on LOTS of them!!!!
I was making a quiz of my own on dogs but did not finish sadly
what is all from me bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!