Miller the Model

Last week we went a photo walk . I was a model for Owen and Brody . We went to the woods and we climbed trees. We threw pinecones at each person when they went on the swing and we took some photos when we were all ready . It was cool, I will show you some photos of us for you. that’s, it for today bye.        by Miller 

my learning in 6/7

in p6/7 we have been learning about lots like

in maths we have been doing maths pyramid we did it in partner and my partner was Reece  and me and him are almost done the pyramid it was hard but we are almost there. for our topic we half been doing healthy eating and we half made fruit hedgehog and we put grapes strawberries  blue berries and the body was an orange and we made posters and the day before we research

all about gala day

Olly- We where doing a gala day we had stall. My stall was skittles and guess the sweets in the jar. The person the at win the sweets was Talia’s Granny. We had skittles to play you would pay £1 for 2 shots and £2 for 5 shots.

Miller-My stall  was the  toy shop . We had different prizes like a small toys for £1 a large toy for £5 and lego set for £6.30.

Diary of a wimpy kid the ugly truth

Hi its Miller and Carlay
This is a book review for diary of the wimpy kid the ugly truth by Jeff kinney
The main character Greg Heffley we have been reading this book for 215 but carlay has read 39 pages it is placed in his school and his neighbourhood carlays fav page is 28 & 29  Millers fav part is when you get to do have you ever …  Miller Rates it 3\5 Carlay rates it 4\5 but maybe 5\5 because she hasn’t read it all

Data Handling

Yesterday we collected data and drew a bar graph. Today we made them on the computer. Here is mine!IMAGE OF CHART: To save this image to your hard drive, right-click on the image and select Save Picture As...



Our new topic is Electricity. We lit a light with a button and a switch. We had to use wire to connect it to the battery so the electrons could flow through. We also lit up smaller lights too.  My group had a loud buzzer that we powered.

We watched a video about a power station and looked at different cables such as cables that go underground and between buildings.



about our easter holidays

miller on suday i went swiming at the fornhill pool and i went whith my 2 brothers and my mum and we went for an hour and if want you can book it for 2 hours  there were a hottub and long and deep pool and sona .



by miller

all about Daniel and Miller

hi miller and daniel here. in football daniel me i won 6 troughys in football 4 for terraggles and 2 my self. Miller here i have won 4 troughys for Heston rovers. In school we have a big concrete football pitch that we are a aloud to play on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays that we play football on. and on Tuesdays and Thursdays  we  trade football cards. on Tuesdays we train with Brody and Owen from are school and on Wednesday daniel goes to skill school with Brody to train football to. every morning daniel has to feed his cat with Felix the food make and miller has to feed his dog to every morning. we got to make shortbread and patatas braves witch is a Spanish food. in school a big read were on a Friday we read books for about 45 minutes. thats all we have today BY!

all about spanish lerning

miller today at school we tried some spanish food. there where churros , paella and chorizo. my favourite was churros and i had 2 of them.  we also played a number game where you had to match the english number to the spanish number. then we learned a song teaching us the spanish colours and numbers. in spain they watch cartoons like pyoco. in spanish

one is uno

two is dos

three is tres

four is quatro

five  is cinco

six is seis

seven is siete

eight is ocho

nine is nueve

ten is diez

the colours in spanish is los colores.

red is rojo

blue is azul

verde is green

yellow is amarillo

brown is cafe

black is negro

white is blanco

and orange is anaranjado



brody miller 🙂


about our learning

  • Harry-In maths i have been doing budgeting and in literacy i have been doing my task map this alphabet game and a four in a row game. Last week in PE we were doing partner balances to make a sequence using 5 partner balance.  in gymnastics we have been doing different warm up games such as


  • Miller-In maths i have been doing times tables subtracting percentages and some fractions. In literacy i did task mat i did an alphabet  i also did a four in a row. Last week in PE we were doing partner balances to make a sequence using 5 partner balances.
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