This is the picture that won me the competition. I got a gift card for all different shops and online shops and two certificates  one for entering it and one saying well done Miller. and Mena go two and she was so excited  it happened at dun cow it will be on the news paper on the standard bye miller.  

All About Fortnite

All about Fortnite. There where lots of different seasons and chapters. Fortnite was made 2017 that was chapter 1 season 1. In Fortnite if you get a win this photo will pop up on your screen.

all about muddy football

hi its miller and i am going to tell you about football on Monday. on Monday we arrived at school all went to the pitch that is it




bye bye

my Christmas what i got

hi its miller and today i am going to talk about what i got for Christmas

  1. new Xbox
  2. a weighed blanket
  3. 37 bath bombs
  4.  slime 12 tubs
  5. new clothes
  6. sweets
  7. rc car

about my Learning

Hi its Miler. I am going to be talking about P.e. we are doing basketball With Mrs Somerville and we are learning How to dribble and shoot We have been Learning the layout it is a shot. We have been practising our skills. We have learnt too dribble behind  our backs. that is it for today Byeee.


so when you have been gone this is what we have been doing last week in math with miss Stapleton we did fractions and we did a challenge it was a maze

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