Hi I am Owen! Today I am going to talk about our learning in P6. On Thursday we got put in our business groups and I am in VVA group and in that group we have to decorate the Cora door. In my group there are 5 people me and Brody, Mena, Daisie and Talia. On Monday we started making healthy posters this is my one! Over here
My learning in P6/7
Hello Owen here. Today in maths we where doing math pyramids. And on the first day of school we made labels for our boxes. On big Thursday MR Walker came in to the school and we did photographer the P7 got the big cameras and P6S got the school cameras and after MR Walker gave every one a camera we went outside to take some pictures. For P.E we where doing tennis with Mis Paterson the first thing we did was that you had to roll the tennis ball in to a hoop and you need to try to get it to stay in the hoop. The 2nd thing we did was you had to get a partner one will have a racket and one will have a ball the one with the ball will bonce the ball in the hoop and the with the racket will hit the ball back.
bye 😉 🙂
Our learning at school
Owen and Harry here! Today we are going to be talking about our learning. Last week on Friday it was gala day and that is when we sell a lot of things and me and Harry liked it. Harry’s stall aka my stall was skittles and guess how many sweets in the jar and the winner of the guess how many sweets in the jar Talia’s relative we had different prizes the prizes for the skittles were maoams and brain lickers. Owens stall was the toy shop and we also did a guess how many toys in the jar and nobody and we also did a beanbag challenge and if you got it through a hole you would hit me in the face with a beanbag.
this Monday we practised for sports day so we did hurdling skipping race and running race and did javelin throwing and we did egg and spoon race.
Hi Brody and Owen here today we are going to talk about Residential. At Residential we had cabins there was a big room that had 2 bunkbeds 2 single beds and there was a small room with 1 bunkbed and the leaders had a room with 2 single beds. On the first day we did Abseiling if you did not now what that is it is wen you are in a harness and you lean back and start walking down a wall and you can swing down if you want. There was a zipline it 300 meters long 50 ft above the ground it was very fast!
Bye we hope you have a good day 😉 🙂 🙂
Our learning at Holywood
Hello I am Owen and this is Miller and Carlay. We are going to talk about our learning. this Tuesday we did a writing competition for Guid Nychburris, you can win a trophy, medals or rosette. In maths we are learning time 24 hour and 12 hour clocks and ditchall clocks. We all learnt how to yous sway and it is cool becas you can put videos and on power point you can’t do that. We had to learn a song for the P\7 going to hiy School and there was a paper that was handed out .
Our football Training
Every Tuesday we go to football Training and we do Shooting,Dribbling and Fitness. Both of our dads are the coaches. The name of the football team we play for is called Terregles AFC. On Saturday we play matches and our rivels are Graystone and Morton. Terregles have there own football-pich
Good bye from Owen and Brody! 😉 :):);)
Our learning in Spanish
hi it-is Owen and Thomas. In Spanish we learned how to say 1 to 10 forward and back in a song. We know how to say all the colours in Spanish. We learned how to say our names in Spanish. We learned how to say our hobbies in Spanish.
By Owen and Thomas
😉 🙂 🙂
Our learning in school!
In maths we played a new game called all around the world and it is a times tables game. In PE we done 5 different partner balances to make a sequence. In ECO day we went on a very long walk and we had task and one of our task was to hug a tree and we went on a litter pick. In literacy we writ an information report about the tartan tour of Scotland. In ECO day we made a bee house.
By Brodsterw14/Brody and Ozen/ Owen!!!!!!! 🙂
Owen’s target’s
One of my target was I will be on word list 8 and now I am on word list 8 and here is my evidence
Owen and Thomas learning
We made a family tree in Spanish and we learned Spanish words and we learned how to write our names in Arabic and we made leaflets about Islam. By Owen and Thomas