hy Guys its olly and david
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
hy school how are you? olly and asil.
We all want to wish you good luck at the Academy. You will smash it. Stay the kind and caring person you are.
D edicated and delightful
A ssertive and affectionate
K ind hearted and keen
O ptimistic
T alented and terrific
A mbitious
Olly, James, Daniel and Mrs Gray
Good luck Charlie on your next big adventure. Sure you will smash high school.
A polite young man who always used his manners, especially at lunchtime! Hope you enjoy your lunches at high school.
Mrs Gray
James, Daniel and Oliver came up with…
C reative
H umorous
A rtistic
R aring to go
L eader
I maginative
E nergetic
We would all like to wish you well Charlie.
Hi, it’s Olly again.
I won the pyjamas to clothes competition in our house. It took me 1 minute and 14 seconds to get dressed.
Mum made a slide show of other sports we took part in.
We went a cycle. We cycled 2.7 miles.
Mum and Dad took my brothers and I on a walk. We walked 3.9 miles. I was really tired once we got home.