maths and writing

In maths we are learning about non unit fractions and unit fractions. We are trying to find a non unit fraction using decimal points. Today we did maths assessments after the assessments we got to play sumdog and we also had to graph our assessments I got 75% and Harry got 100%. we where writing about the digestive system and the 6 mouth, oesophagus, stomach, small intestines, large intestines and the rectum. we had to write in paragraphs the mouth and oesophagus where together and the other things were their own paragraph. we also wrote a story and it had to start with If If If Then we did a few stories and for the last one we had to do it with the 123 set as our goal as well. The 123 is where we need to d 3 extended sentences 2 short sentences one having to have an exclamation mark eg. charged she yelled! I was hungry. For the 1 we had to do one question. When we marked then we had to circle the extension words underline the short sentence and we had to tick the question word and mark.®



By Olly and Harry

Harry’s birthday

Its Harry’s birthday today. First thing after school we are going to play in the village we might go to the shop while we are at it then we are going to McDonalds and also picking Tumaini up from McDonalds. Then we are going to a rock climbing place for an hour or so. When I get back home watching high school musical the musical the series. Then I will go to bed and sleep. when Olly has left I am probably going to do my ponies then I am going to play fortnite with the goat Lewis we will gift me cuz Its my birthday.



By Harry and Olly





Btw my cat threw up on her bed


ew up on Tumainis bed she looks like this


my Christmas day

On Christmas day I got a pc, tv, pencils, and more. My older sibling was piping at new years. I was helping my Granny move house and we went to Homebase for carpets I had the dog  she was scared we got her at the new house an went a walk in the garden.


By Olly

The show!

We had the show on Monday in the afternoon and the night it went good. We where ready to go and I was nervous   but I was ready. We finish the show and we  wanted are bed. Is Christmas diner today we have parents coming today.    

school show

My school is doing a show in two weeks on Tuesday and Wednesday two at night and one in the after noon. We are doing Charlie and the chocolate factory. I got grandpa joe and Makenna got Charlie Anneliese got Wonka. We started singing  some of the songs today they are called Candyman pure imagination and I got a golden ticket.

By Olly.

dear Mrs Jardine

Konnichiwa read on to hear about our learning. We have learned about food comes from and made and transport to the UK. We learned to make and cook nachos guaca mole.

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