what we have been learning

Miller – i learned different languages in class such as Spanish. on big Thursday i have been making a shasa in out door learning.

Daisie-  i learned how to do a caption mural. i have been learning how to do a front flip, one handed cartwheels and hand stands in gymnastics.

Harry-  i learned how to do different rolls and jumps i also made up a sequence in gymnastics to show the class. after school i learn how to do karate.  in big Thursday i have been making a tree house with Olly.  In computer science i have been trying to make a stop motion and we planned it out and designed the characters


Islam is a religion that Muslims believe in. There are 5 pillars of I`slam there are called Salah, Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj.  Muslims pray in a place called a mosque. They speak a language called Arabic. the Arabic language can be found inside a sort of book called a mosque. We made these diagrams of the inside of a mosque and we also made a wall decoration of a mosque that is labeled and made of paper we also learned what the 5 pillars mean and to wright our names in arabic.


by miller and harry or in arabic واسطة ميلر وهاري

What I learned in P.E this term

In P.E this term we have been learning different rolls such as wonder women roll were you put your hand on the mat and its like you kind of do a flip with your hands on the mat. James bond roll were you stick one leg out and roll the other way on your side and have your hands together to make a gun when you roll. we did a front roll were you tuck your neck in and roll forward we also did a backwords roll that is were you tuck you neck in and then you use your hands to spring your self back so you can roll. an egg roll or tuck roll is were you tuck you self in so you grab your legs and then roll but you need tuck your legs in. there is  a pencil roll you go strait and roll. We have also been doing balances the super man is were you stuck one leg out backwards and one fist forward. There is a bowl balance were you just stick your hand and legs out. There are hand stand were you stand on your hand shoulder stands were you balance on your shoulders and a head stand were you make your hands and head in a triangle you need your head infront of your hands. There is one called a dish it just like the bowl but on your belly. By Harry


In the holidays me and miller played fortnite Miller played on his and electric go kart and Harry went on a motor go kart for Christmas harry got a hoverboard  and like £70 and i spent £20 on fortnite. Harry got air jordans  and  miller got kenetic sand. Harry got some sweeties and this play foam stuff and plastersine i played on my hover board all night because it was really fun and i kept crashing into stuff  Harry went to a random place i have never been here before but it was cool there was animal heads on the wall and there was christmas crackers on the table.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     













                                                                                        Haz  and mills

what i have been learning about

I have been learning about fractions and doing our group thing in maths. In literacy we have   been doing farm animals writing. In p.e  we have been doing6567890 circuits and fitness exercises. In Stem we did a hunt thing there was 6 things to find they were ways to get electricity we got hints and found 1 at a time and i found 3 of the 6. In  music we were practising the songs for the show. In drama we were practising the scripts for the auditions. we watched a video and they were singing we have rights you have rights we all have rights.

what i learned about

I learning about simplifying fractions and i was doing maths games with cards and i was doing sumdog on a computer.In literacy i learned about japan in a book.We also learned about remembrance  day and that people wear poppy’s because they grew when the war was happening and there was a book called tusk tusk that basically means if there is a war everyone dies but if there isn’t nobody dies.

The selfish king that wanted to touch the moon

There was a king that was so spoiled he got every thing he wanted. The thing the king wanted the most was to touch the moon with his own hand. So he cut down all the trees in the kingdom to make ladders and he got everybody’s  ladders in the kingdom to make the world biggest ladder by tying the all together. He started to climb up the ladder to the moon. Then the ladder snapped! and the king came tumbling down out of the sky.  He got really angry so he decided to get all of the matrasses in the kingdom to stack them together and then. He started to climb up and up but then a bird popped the bottom   matrass so he went tumbling down again. The king thought of a crazy idea he wanted to launch himself from a tank so he told his guards to get him a tank. Once he had a tank he got in the tank and the fired himself away but this time he got to the moon him and everybody in the kingdom were super happy because the king got to the moon and they all celebrated hip! hip! horay!

by Harry and Olly

The lion king Jr!!!

In the lion king we were wildebeest.

In the Lion king there were zebra.

In the Lion king there were Gazelles.

In the Lion king there were Lionesses.


In the Lion king there was Rafiki.










From Owen and Harry!!!

Space Topic by Harry and Sevi

mercury is the closest planet to the sun but it is not the hottest.

Venus is the the second closest planet to the sun and it it also the hottest planet.

earth is the only planet in the universe that is known to have life.

mars is the 2nd smallest planet the largest volcano in the solar system is on mars its called Olympus Mons.

Jupiter has 80 moons it is 4.603 billion years old and it is the biggest and oldest planet in the solar system. 

Saturn is the only planet that has visible rings with a normal telescope its the second biggest planet in the solar system

Uranus is made of mainly  hydrogen  some helium and a little bit of methane.

Neptune is the windiest planet in the solar system and it has 14 moons and its the last planet in the solar system.

Life as a chimney sweep

I can hear… scratching noises in the chimneys, mice or rats squeaking and fire crackling.

I can smell… smoke, coal  from fire and wet wood.

I can see…  cobwebs and spiders, black darkness and black smoke.

I can feel…bricks scraping me,  the heat from the fire and dust in the air.

I can taste soot from the coal, burning and ash.


by Harry

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