My poem entry

Here is my poem entry for the school competition its about the Gruffalo,


Little Mouse

Sneaky Fox

Dinner offer they wanna eat him

Grumpy Owl

Dinner offer they wanna eat him

Slithery Snake

Dinner offer they wanna eat him

Big Gruffalo

Gruffalo stew

Gruffalo run

Haiku by Harry

Crispy piece of bread,

Purchased at a bakery,

Nice, good, little snack. 


Try and guess what I’m writing about.



all about what i did at rock climbing

On my birthday me and Olly went rock climbing at a place in Dumfries. when we went to the rock climbing we had to hire shoes for some reason. When we started climbing we decided to do one of the easy courses. then we decided to try one of the harder courses we struggled and we only managed a few. most of the time we didn’t do courses we just climbed anywhere we wanted. Our feet where sore because the toes and heels where really hard. you had to get shoes smaller than your normal shoes we think it was for like extra grip or something.

That’s it from us.

By Olly and HarryContact Us - Bouldover Climbing Centre

My birthday

On my birthday i am going to a rock climbing with Olly and on the weekend i am going to a go karting.  For my presents i don’t overly know what i’m getting.

My Christmas and new years

On Christmas I got a pear of socks and a onesie from my first presents. My next present had football boots and goals.  A few days ago I got another present for Christmas it was a new mouse. For new years I’m excited for my birthday and the Easter holidays. 




By harry

Badminton after school yesterday

Yesterday after school I went to the badminton club we where practising hitting it back and the running so the next person hits it we ran around the whole hall after hitting it if we hit it too far or don’t hit it we have to run twice.

After we did that we had some matches they where 3v3 the team sometimes changed we also changed who served every time we played first to 15 but most of the time it was first to 11.


Dear Mrs Jardine

Konnichiwa Mrs Jardine I am going to tell you about our learning…

Last week in French we started a new topic and the topic is sports.

For big Thursday in stem we where doing engineering and talking about the different kinds of engineers we where talking about what the different kinds of engineers do. In PE we did basketball we mainly focused on dribbling but we did do a bit of passing the passes where Overhead pass, chest pass and bounce pass. For music we where practising drumming wit wooden drumsticks on chairs we watched a video and some of the time it was girls only or boys only. Finally for drama we where doing games one of the games was where 2 people did some moves and one of then was the mirror the other one was the reflection and the class had to guess who the mirror was. 🙂

Bye Mrs Jardine 🙂

All about our holidays

Harry- In the holidays I went to my cousins house its in Newport Newport is near Dundee. I stayed there for 3 nights. The day I got there I didn’t do very much  mainly just played a few games and went upstairs to my bed.  On the second day I went to a walk with my dad my cousin and my uncle we went to 2 different parks one of them was close to her house and the other was like a mile away from her house. On the third day I went swimming we went swimming in Dundee the waterpark was inside and it was massive! When we went home we just chilled and played games because we were a bit tired from swimming that night we played monopoly kids vs adults and went to sleep. On the last  day we went back to Dundee we went to a book shop and got a book each I got the Naruto volume 1 I have read around half of it so far and I think its a good book its an anime book then I went to where my sister was she was at the Caledonian championships horse show then I went home.



Olly-   I went down south in the west part of England called Chester next to the top of wales. I went to a premier inn for 2 nights. The second day we went to Chester zoo we saw lions tigers new snow leopards cheetahs fish monkeys  and elephants. Then we went to the gift I got a lion plushie. Then we went back to the premier Inn and played draughts and went to sleep. The third day we went to the wall that you walk around the city of Chester and went to a costa and got a millionaire shortbread then we went back up to Scotland Dumfries and went to bed.

parachute challenge p6/7

My group for the parachute challenge was  Me, Olly,  and Mena the goal was to  slow down the egg and stop the egg from breaking. My groups time was 2secs and the egg did not break. our group had the slowest time out of all of the parachutes. My design was some plastic and we used string to attach the holder for the egg to the parachute the holder was the bottom half of a bottle and the holder was inside of a plastic bag they were both attached to the parachute. this is my parachute

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