All about our learning

Hi today I am going to talk about my learning this afternoon . The topic my class is doing is about a country called Spain we learned the Spanish greetings like how to say good morning, good afternoon and goodnight and we made family trees in Spanish. adios thats bye in Spanish hola thats hi in Spanish thanks for listening adios

by Tasnim

all about my learning today

Hello, today I am going to talk about my learning. Today we organised the books in the Reading Hub. We organised them by their authors last name like:

Jeff Kinney goes under k

CS Lewis goes under L

When we are putting the books back the spine of the book has to face out at us.

Thanks for reading, goodbye!

by Tasnim





























Jubilee week

For the Queens jubilee we   made  crowns  and  knicker  flags. We  also  learned  facts  about  the  Queen. She  has  four  children  and  eight  grandchildren. We  had  a  big  buffet  lunch with  sausages and potato pops. We  made  wee books.



hi Holywood School.

thes   is    tasnim    and    talia     on    big     thursday  !!!     how   are    you  ???      tasnim      and      talia.

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