all about kiva

in my class we have started the Kiva program in Kiva we talked about bulling then we talked about how we can tell what someone is feeling by there actions  and face.



















happy,sad and angry

all about kiva

hi there Alexi and Tasnim here today we are going to talk about Kiva .

Kiva is ante bullying and last Friday we did a gathering and the school liked it and today we learned about  if you pushed some One on purpis or not .

Dog Zombies Rule

Today I am gonna talk about my book. The Author of the book is Tom Gates. I ‘v read it for over a week. The names of the characters are Max , Amy porter ,Marcus , Mr Fullerman , Mark , Delia , Marble the hamster , Derek , Mrs Worthington , Mrs Nap , Solid , Mrs Keen , Norman , Mr Sprocket. The story takes place at home and at school. I would give this book 5/5
by Tasnim

all about Electricity

hi Tasnim and ruby here today we are gonna talk about electricity.

Electricity cabels come in different sizes .

some of them are called : earth cabel is green and yellow , live cabel is brown and the neutral cabel is blue.

thanks for reading \goodbye


All about Eid festival

hello today we are gonna talk about our Eid festival in Eid we start it by going to pray we also wear new clothes and the children get money and we also go  to nice places like going to  our Arabic friends and we also decorate our house it is so fun and there are two different one Eid alfter and Eid alatha the first one has three the last one has four days

by Asil and Tasnim

All about our Spain topic

we have learnt how to cook Spanish food one of the meals we cooked was Patatas bravas. We had to peel the 🧅and potatoes 🥔 we had to chop them 🍴 and fry them🍳

We have been practicing our gathering to talk about our learning 👩‍🏫 we have learnt our numbers in Spanish 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and 🔟 and colours 💓🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍💟Spain🔆

By tasnim,carlay and Curtis

My target

One of my targets was to write a well organised information report by March.

Here is my work. I know an information report must have a general statement, linking sentence and description with subheadings. We are writing one just now about The Tartan Tour of Scotland to make sure we know the sections.


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