all about fortnite

hi its Lewis and Jayda  and today we will be yapping about  fortnite  . If you don’t know about  fortnite its a action game where you fight for the win . there is 100 players and you have to be no.1.  win 2 times in a row you get a crown win.  we could  become Godzilla. that’s all, 




good bye

my favourite game

hi my name is  Lewis and today  I will be talking about my favourite game is on Roblox . if you don’t know what Roblox  is it is this game where you can rate or play games. My favourite type is tower defence  my favourite one is five nights td. I love this game, I play it all the time and I just started   a new account which is free to play .  do you play Roblox?  I wont be playing today because it is harry birth day so i will be playing with him because he is epic 
thank you for listening bye  

dear miss jarden guess what we have done

hi miss jarden I will  be talking to you about French. In French we played 21 if you do not now what 21 is it is a game where you go round in a circle and count to 21  who ever gets 21 loses but you get 2 lives .



from Lewis

school holidays

Hi my name is Lewis and today I  will be talking about my school holidays. In the holidays  I got a load of presents  (Lego, socks, sweets and a water bottle) at my mums. (Lego, video games and a drawing set ) at my dads. At new years I did the first foot in what you do is you grab some salt  and when it counts down at one you walk in with salt in your hand and its meant  to bring  good luck for the new year. On new years day I had a Chinese with my family . this is my Lego set Igot for Christmas 

thank you for reading bye



hello my name is Lewis and today I will be talking  about stem . In stem we made a catapult to make  pompom go 50 cm without touching the ground .My partner was Jayda and we made a good catapult it went 90cm . I launched the catapult  

  this is what the catapult looked liked 


Thank you for listening bye

the school show !!

hi its Lewis and Jayda  and today we will be talking about the school show  . The school show is Charlie and the cholate factory . Lewis is Mr  tevee and Jayda  is    Mr salt .


that is all bye!!

Dear Mrs Jardine guess what we have been doing

Hi my name is Lewis  and today I will be talking about my book that i have been reading and the quiz that i did to miss mcnay . The book i am reading is called horrible histories blitzed brits it  is  my favourite book that i have read . I also ask miss mcnay if she wanted to do a quiz about my book and miss mcnay would  most likely survive .




thank you for listening bye

October holiday

hello my name is Lewis and I will be talking about my holidays . in my holidays I was thinking about what I should be for the Halloween party at school  and started working on it . I also went swimming   and now I can swim a full length (it  is really fun) . then I played fortnight.



that is all bye form Lewis

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