Hello this is Claudia and Tayla-Mae and we are going to talk about what we do in P.E!
We have been doing burpees, jumping jacks, bunny hops over a bench, wall sit and v sit hold .
We have been doing these circuits for 45 seconds to one minute.
We also do a mini marathon it is 10, 7 or 5.
We have also have been playing a couple of games like disco tag, exhaustion tag and jungle on fire.
Hello everyone today we will tell you about French!
Hi this is Alexi and I’m going to tell you about my French. In French I have been playing a game called 21 this is how to play the game. So every one sits in a circle and someone starts counting but the limit is up to 3, 2 or 1 but here is the thing you can only say it in French!!
Hi this is Claudia and this is what I do! What I do in French is I have been learning about the weather in French. I also play 21 and another game called bingo and bingo in French is loto.
That’s all from us see you next time bye!
yesterday we made Rock cakes. The rock cakes were quite bitter and there were too much raisins after all. I liked it.
We hope you come back soon, This is what we have done so far!!!! we have done baking so what we have made was pizza and rock cake and we will make more food and maybe we can give you some wen you come back.
by Alexi and Claudia
we miss you
hello Claudia speaking, Today I’m going to talk about my horse lesson
firs we started of with me riding a horse called Ebony and Thomas riding Paddie
then we do a lap of walking then we do a two laps of trotting then i go into walk and Thomas does a little bit of trot then he goes into canter then he is behind me then it is my turn so what i do quit a bit of trot but then i go into canter then we all go into trot and do fore laps of trot then we go into trot and then we both go into canter but Ebony is a bit faster than Paddie but then we give them a long rane and come down the centre line and then we do a game called a round the world so basically we pute our feet out the sturups and we spin around on our bum and put your feet back in the sturups and put your hands on your head and i won it and then we pop of the horses and pute them away and shut there door and i have to keep the boots there because there Anneliese’s boots so my mum gives me a piggyback to the car and drive back home
thats all from me good bye 
hi its Claudia speaking, I’m going to talk French!!!
we have been learning about animals and if you have any pets at home or not,and we have been saying i have a pet at home, in french
That’s all from me bye
in PE4/5 we were learning about food and nutrition and we made a wall about each food group. im going to tell you about the each food group!!!
the first food group is fruit and vegetables
!!! fruits are good for you because they give you vitamins minareals!!!
the next food group is Dairy. Dairy products are milk, cheese and yogurt. They give us caleium
after its carbohydrates. carbohydrates are starchy. they give us energy.
then we have fats and oils. fats and oils are food like fish and chips
last but not least Proteins. Protein is egg and meat
that is all from me good bye
hi Claudia speaking, Today I’m going to talk about my holidays
First me and my mum and Anneliese and Thomas and my Granny and Grandpa went to southerness and we stay’d for a week in a caravan and we went the the beach to go on a treasure hunt and i only found sand
, Thats all about sotherness
Next me and Anneliese and Thomas went to Manchester to go and see Despicable me 4 and it was funny
then we went shopping and i technically bought the whole shop then we went home and i was sooooo tired
That’s all from me bye
Hello Claudia here I’m going to talk about our learning. We have been learning about Kiva and we did a show about Kiva and we had different roplay’s and i will tell you them. The first two was pushing and hitting and people talked for a bit then next two were calling people names and also pushing them. And then people talked for a bit and then it was the end and some people asked us some questions.
That’s all from me good bye
for now
Hello Claudia and Rune today we are going to talk about kiva
Kiva is anti bullying. And on Friday we are going to do a gathering all about Kiva and i have a group and in my group is Rune,Thomas,Alexi. Thomas is the bully And Rune is the student and Alexi is also a student to and Claudia is the teacher
That is all from us Bye Bye