Newsround art blog

Hi everyone, 

  • This post is all about art made by computers!
  • Today we are going to talk to you about art made by computers, but it not just art by computers it Strange art by computers. There are some really cool art picture’s

Our learning

Hi everyone!

This term we have been learning about climate for our topic and natural weather disasters. I have been working on dry climate with  a partner and we are making a collage of dry piece of land with a palm tree, a cactus, a scorpion,  a lizard and a few migies.  Our new maths topic is X and Y co – ordinates and we use our graph skills as well. We also do a maths carousel where we are in different groups and one of the groups are working with our teacher and another group is doing Sumdog another group is playing card games and another group is playing fruit explosion.

French – In French we are learning about vowels, nouns and the difference between Masculine and Feminine.

Well that’s all from me today!

By M.H.


Our Space topic.

This term our new topic is about Space.

We learnt  about the order of the planets and made sculptures out of the planets using  play dough. We found out that Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and that if you put all the other seven planets together they would still be smaller than Jupiter. The sun could fit one billion Earth’s in it with more room to spare for Jupiter that’s how big the sun is. Pluto was the smallest planet until Pluto became a dwarf planet and now Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system. The sun is actually a star and the stars you see in the sky are other sun’s are bigger but they look smaller because they are further away from us and our solar system.

. This is us making craters out of flour and coco powder and we also added some sand into ours. We spread it about the box and dropped a tennis ball, shuttle cock, basket ball and a soft ball. We also piled up the mixture into like a mountain and then dropped the tennis ball on top of the mountain.  Below you can see some of us  making the sculptures of the planets using play dough. We had a  piece of paper and measured the planets how far away they are from the sun in our solar system. 


By Me and Mc. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Life in Victorian Factories

I can see… Children  getting stuck under machines, people getting whipped or beaten and Jute being crunched.

I can hear…People coughing and sneezing from a disease, my bosses shouts ringing in my ears and children and adults throwing up after eating a horrible lunch.

I can smell…The horrible , mouldy pie, machines burning, rotting cloth and materials and stinky food.

I can taste…Very bad food, dirty air from smoke that comes from broken machines and sweat.

I can feel…Scratchy string when you weave it into rope, baskets, carpets, and rugs, dirty machines, wood and fabric and cold walls.



By M.H

Life in a Victorian coal mine.

I can see…coal, people, pic axes mining coal, and cobwebs and spiders.

I can hear…pic axes slamming against the wall  and people mining.

I can taste…disgusting pies and horrible food.

I can feel…a lot of dirt and coal and smooth metal pic axes.

I can smell…dirt, disgusting food and sweaty people.


By Reece

Our learning


We are going to tell you about our learning and the things that we have learnt. We have been learning about the Victorian times and we tried doing Victorian P.E. In the Victorian times they called P.E. drill ( It was very hard and it makes you tired). Miss Pattie got a box from the Museum full of different things from the Victorian times. We got to feel the shoes that children had to wear and the shoes were tiny! There was also a rag doll that was flat. We got to feel the belts that they used to punish  the children when they were naughty. We got 3 shots of hitting the belts on the floor. We got to see and feel the kids chalkboards and a pupil brought in 4 Victorian coins.

Books recommendations for the Reading hub.

Hey everyone.

We have five different recommendations for books to go in the reading hub.

  1. The case of the red – bottomed robber by Richard Byrne.
  2. The find outers (the mystery of the panto cat) by Enid Blyton.
  3. Children’s illustrated encyclopaedia.
  4. The Howling Hag mystery by Nicki Thornton.
  5. Moose by Michael Foreman.

Thank you!

Bye M


Hey everyone!!!!!

On Tuesday it was our first day back at school and it was Easter day. Easter day is a day where we celebrate Easter. At our school we do lots of fun things and the day is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are just going to tell u all of the things we done on Easter day. Here we go!

We went to the woods for an Easter egg hunt. The  P1-3 looked for white stones with letters on them and when they found them all  and they put the words together it spelt out Easter Eggs! P4-7 looked for just painted stones.

Next we painted our own eggs that were hard boiled. And then the teachers judged the eggs to see who had the best design and then we went outside and rolled the eggs down the hills. Some people threw the eggs and some people rolled the eggs.

Then we got into groups  and made our own hats and they were judged eswell.


By for now M and N

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