Connect 4 learning

Hello there

I’m doing one of the connect 4 activities. I have taken pictures of three items in my house and you need to guess what they are. Here are the pictures 

Tell me your guesses in the comments and I’ll let you know if you are right!!!!

Bye M


Hello there

Today I’m going to talk about photography in art on Big Thursday. As I told you last week Mr Walker has been coming in to teach us about photography. The previous two weeks the has taught us about holding, taking memory cards in and out, views, the rule of thirds and angles. Here are some of the pictures I took last week….


I am very impressed with myself. These photos have been edited by me but I had Mr Walker to help me with the third picture to get that light to look a bit warmer. I think they look AMAZING. Mr Walker was impressed too and he said that he really liked them. 

Bye for now I’ll be back next week with more 


Art on big Thursday

Hello everybody.

Today I’m going to tell you all about art in Big Thursday. We are doing photography with Mr Walker. Here are four of the pictures that I took and  edited.


On the 15th of November, P6-7, Mr Walker is going to take 14 people to display their pictures in a gallery called Shambellie house in Dumfries. I am really hoping that I will get to go, along with my bests friend Nancy and Nia. We have been doing this for three weeks now and I think we have around two to three more weeks left before we go to Shembellie house.

Bye M

Vikings: The Quest For The Dragon’s Treasure

Hello there

In school P6-7 are doing a Vikings show at the bridge with the Scottish opera and we are doing three different songs… Prepare, Vikings forever and Defenders of the Earth.  There are also three groups…. The Vikings, The Villagers and The Sorcerers.

This is the Vikings Forever song

This is the song Prepare


The show is on the 3rd of June. I’M SOOOOOO EXITED!!!!!!!


From Mena

Maths Enterprise project


Today I am going to tell you about our project in maths. We have been put into groups or pairs and are doing our own products using £10 only to invest on thing we need to make our products. Me and my bestie Nancy are doing our product using buttons. I know you are thinking “How are you going to make something out of buttons that is going to sell and make good profit?” But we have came up with an idea of making trees, flowers and bees out of buttons. We would get paper and  draw a design of a tree, flower or bee, lay out the buttons on top and cover it with hot glue. We would then take the buttons of the template and there you go a tree out of buttons and it shows peoples love for nature and pollinators. I am also going to make the tree of life using bendable wires and making it into a tree with roots and feed buttons onto the wires that represent the branches.




My Easter Holidays

Hi everyone, welcome back

In the Easter Holidays I went on a plane to Barcelona in Spain. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We arrived very late at night on Sunday. Around nine, half nine. The house was in a place at the outskirts of Barcelona called Vidreres. It was a very big house. There were two apartments at the bottom of the house and a place for the owner to live just above.

On the first day we went to the medieval town, Girona. The first thing we went to see was a famous cathedral.  It was beautiful.

On Tuesday we went to see a Salvador Dali museum. We saw his coffin that was in the wall.

We spent two days in the town of Barcelona to do some shopping.



Big Thursday

Hello there everyone
On Thursday we have art first and we are doing papercut illustrations of something to do with Holywood. I am doing mine about art and it has paint splats on it. Next we are doing computer science and we are making our own 2D animations. After that we have P.E and we are doing gymnastics and making our own sequences  with at least 2 balances,  2 jumps and 2 rolls. Last we are doing pancakes in S.T.E.M which comes under food technology. So that is what we do in Big Thursday
Bye for now M

Our Learning

Hello everybody

For our learning topic we are learning about Spain and Spanish. On Duolingo I am learning Spanish and I consider myself very good at it. Can you speak Spanish or any other language? I have started to make my own Spanish dictionary and I have wrote all the Spanish words that I know. I might try and start my own club for people who want to learn how to speak Spanish and teach them what I know. I really like to share my knowledge to other people that like the same kind of things that I like as well. The other reason that I would like to do a Spanish club is because then I might learn some other things that I didn’t know and I will be able to search up other things that people want me to know and then I can tell them! We have also learned about the different places in Spain like Barcelona, Seville, Valencia, Madrid, Murcia, Mora, Santiago De Compostela and Toledo. Seville is very famous for their delicious oranges and it’s brightly coloured town. Seville has a very pretty little river with a beautiful bridge over it. Barcelona is a very beautiful place with lights.

bye m

Relief sculptures in art on big Thursday


Every big Thursday P 6-7 have art first with Mrs Jardine  and we are doing our very own relief sculptures. Mine is a landscape one with a moon and snowy mountains with trees growing on top. We are only allowed to use cardboard, scissors and PVA glue to stick it all together. Next week my friend and I will be gluing our relief sculptures together and then we shall leave them to dry and come back for them  the week after that. This week I will be adding a couple more mountains and add lots more trees. But that will not take long so once I have done that I shall be ready to glue it all together.

By M

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