big thursday (:

hi its sam here and  im talking about last weeks BT which means Big Thursday

anyays . ART In art we were finishing out letter cutout things let me explain later

COMPUTER SEINCE in computer sceince we were continuing our unfinised animations me and sevi were continuing the man who sued a car

PE in pe we were going around diffrent activites one was a minigame where 2 people were on a beam and had to catch stuff

STEM This ones exiting ok so stay with me at stem we were making somthing tasty ill tell u drumroll please             pancakes we were making pankakes me sevi and daniel were in a team and we made GF pankakes 

anyways this is the thing about art so thosse paper cutouts were somting like litracy and we did a design for it and theres also a catch the cutout had to be the shaped a the first letter in the word you picked.

hope you wanted to do one of thesse bye. [:

chemistry club


THIS WEEK i cant do chemistry club )-: but last week we put out a fire with C20 (CARBON DIOXIDE) that WE MADE. and 2 people joined the club Daniel and tom but tom is also in animation club so he takes turns on different ones every week.

and we also made rocket bomb things 1 inside lots outside but i forgot how we made it. anyways bye


hey can i watch my show


chemistry :D

hello im sam and today im talking about chemistry!

So i started a chemistry club because i love chemistry. and no one joinded ): but its still fun :D. anyway at the chemistry club we got red cabbage and we choped it up and we added hot water to make a weird blue liquid. and we mixed the blue liquid with ,lemon juice, ,vinager, ,surface cleaner, and somthing else. and next time we will make a rocket.

anyways i hope you have a good day bye.


FRENCH And big thursday

HELLO IM SAM and today ima talk about french so in french we are learning about words for obgects in a house. 

NOT JUST THAT HOUSE AnY HOUSE and the words were computer door window etc. and we also did pencilcase objects and added adjectives to them

like (red orange brown yellow). and im also talking about big thursday here is a movie me and sevi made on big thursday

did u like the movie any ways buh bye!

Woodland break

Hello im sam And im Going to talk about woodland break.

so it got very Icy so icy that a lake and lots of Streams Froze into ice. they were very slippy you could skid across a frozen stream it was that slippy. 

And after a while at the lake i got bored So I went to my freinds den 

And we Playea game called Haunted house! it was super fun And at the End we got famous.

And the woods were super duper Fun and next friday we will go there. anyways bye guys!


eat healthy

Hello im sam leader of healh group😎😎😎 and im encoraging pepole to eat healthy 🍎 so here are some times you can go healthy 

Eat fruit at lunch 🍇    Eat at break 🍓.     eat fruit anytime if you can 🍎

Remember healthy groups of food are fruit🍎 veg🥗 carbohydrotes somtimes🍞 dairy and protine🍗🧀 

Anyways bye😊😊😊

willow fish

news by samy boi 

we made willow fish out of wool and willow and mine is not fineshed but mine is a salmon rainbow salmon it had multi coulor wool and yellow so far ok


the periodic table

Im reading a book about THE PERIODIC TABLE.

And I want to tell you about it.

Hydrogen it is the first element in the table hydrogen glows purple when electrified it is also in water compounds.

Potassium if you drop it in water it explodes so don’t make a boat out of it. potassium is in banana’s  but it wont explode when wet !

Nitrogen And Oxegen they are both in air that we breathe oxegen is also in water.

Alien Attack? wip

Our teacher has been ill so Mrs dale has been our teacher and we done this fun thing called alien attack? we written it on paper and here

In the great blue sky a ufo aproched peacefully on planet earth the ufo landed in the Sahara dessert and an alien came out it was looking for water until it found a cacti the ailen walked to the cacti until the cacti moved a bit the ailen ran away imidently the alien got a gun and tip toed to the cacti suddenly he started poking it with his gun 3 times in a row then he said “get in here” then the alien thought it was sleep so he carried the cacti but it was dumb to do that becuase it hurt a lot and the alien was jumping in pain then he got his cannon and pressed the button multiple times


IN P.E WE did TENNIS SKILLS  and WE STARTED  HITTING AT THE WALL THEN WE PLAYED 4 square. SO WONDER HOW TO GET COLOUFUL LETTERS SO CLICK THE A WITH A BLACK LINE UNDER THEN CLICK THE COLOUR YOU NEED THEN TYPE. ANYWAYS BACK TO Normal. then we done music so we first used a online metonome then we done a new song  it was songs in the 80s. then we done outdoor learning we finished our hedghog house. thats all i can tell about outdoor lerning finaly i get to tell you a secret


















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyways you found the secret coding


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