Happy, slobbery
Fluffy, cute, loud, hungry, big
Funny, lovely life
- by Ruby
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
today we are going to talk about what we are doing on Friday
I,m going to Sam and Sevi s house on Friday for diner we are going to play roblox games like adopt me and lots more that,s all for now
geese are cute they are lots of trouble they can be mean but they are nice I love their beaks one time me and my dad went to a pond
we got scared by one of the geese because it was right at my feet.
Cats are awesome they are my favourite animal because they make cute noises and they are super snuggly I have two cats at my house called Chola and Leon my family has loads of cats now you should get a cat too!
hi ruby hear I will be talking about my dog he is ginger he is 1 year old
hi ruby hear I am going to talk about my Christmas
what I got. I got two tubs of slime diamond art my favourite thing was a hobby horse her name is browney she is white and brown .
what I did. I watched a Christmas movie cold the Christmas wen I was opening presents after I had dinner .
what I had for dinner . I had mash carrots and pees.
Hi Ruby hearer I will be taking about my learning.
On big Thursday we built catapults in stem so we could move a pompom 50 cm without touching it mine went 1m
What You Will Need
. A plastic spoon
. A hot glue gun
. A peg
. And tape
How To Mack It.
first hot glue the spoon in to the peg pointing up but be keerful it is hot .
next let it cool it will be like 2 minutes
Finely tape it so it will not brake and boom you have a catapult but it will be hard so don’t rush .
By Ruby . Thank you for leasing.
hi Ruby hear i will be talking about my tin whistle learning at home with my mum we are doing tin whistle with miss Murray.
school bus .actions. spot . the . difference . reacting . machines. exciting. drama.