
For IDL we are learning about Spain.  Spain is a warm country in Europe.  The capital city is Madrid.  There are a lot of sandy beaches.

We have drawn a large map of the country and added landmarks.  I chose Barcelona and drew a picture of a large arched gateway in the city.

Arc de Triomf



22 Best Things To Do In Barcelona, Spain - Hand Luggage Only - Travel ...

it is a landmark in a spain.

I am going to learn about the language next, and learn how to say My name is Reece.

Big woodland brace

The pond was frozen up in the woods last Friday and we were sliding on it and we plead football with an ice block people were smashing it with rocs and sticks it was very fun. There was a very long bit of ice we were seeing who went the longest. That is mostly what we did. good by

from reece.



On Friday MR Mundell came in to teach us about MSPs. In P.E we have been doing exercises inside and outside.   we also ran around the playground 3 times.

Business groups

I am in the gardening group and we are cutting nettles and tidying up the playground.  We were using secateurs  and gloves. We were cleaning the tree house and looking around the playground to see what needs done. we also have been watering the plants in the green house.

Democracy Learning

Hi its Reece and Jullien, We are currently learning about democracy and we needed to ask the MSP’S some questions. Reece asked the msp/Emma Harper about how its like being a msp and how long she needs to stay in her office a day. Jullien asked if Oliver Mundell is going to do anything about the potholes in Dumries And Galloway and why the energy prices are so high even though Scotland has thousands of windmills on land and sea.

My fun friday

Today I started with my spelling test, I got 9/10 so wanted to do another to get 10 and got 9/10 again.

I did sums and then I helped make mars bar crispy.  While it was setting I did a tiling pattern of diamonds which took ages to colour in.

I then typed my little blog, ate some mars bar crispy and took the ice core out the freezer to see the different layers.

Have a great holiday, I’m looking forward to going back to school to see everyone.


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