Good luck Dakota I hope you enjoy High School
from Reece
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
Today we made a stall with cupcakes which I helped to make yesterday, popcorn and ice cream! It was great fun and I learned how to measure ingredients and work out money. If I bought a cake, some popcorn and an Ice cream it would cost me £1.50 and I would aIso be very full! I am really enjoying gala week.
This is our first stall for Gala day, it was lots of fun and we have played it for ages, I found out that if I paid £3 I would get 9 goes.
This is my second stall for Gala day, I have managed to fit a lot of my cars onto the table, can you guess how many are there? I know the answer!
I found today that if you win with one go and pay 50p – each car will have cost you 10p. If you have 2 goes and win each car will have cost you 20p
Have fun