Bouncy ball challenge

Today we did a bouncy ball challenge out in the nice sunshine.  It was 5p per go and if you got the bouncy ball to stay in the bucket you got to keep it! Most of them bounced all over the place but some did stay in!

This was lots of fun!

Cupcakes, ice cream and popcorn stall

Today we made a stall with cupcakes which I helped to make yesterday, popcorn and ice cream! It was great fun and I learned how to measure ingredients and work out money.  If I bought a cake, some popcorn and an Ice cream it would cost me £1.50 and I would aIso be very full! I am really enjoying gala week.

Gala day stalls

This is our first stall for Gala day, it was lots of fun and we have played it for ages, I found out that if I paid £3 I would get 9 goes.

This is my second stall for Gala day, I have managed to fit a lot of my cars onto the table, can you guess how many are there?  I know the answer!
I found today that if you win with one go and pay 50p – each car will have cost you 10p. If you have 2 goes and win each car will have cost you 20p

Have fun



My week in the woods diary

Today I wrote my diary, I had a fun week.  I am looking forward to the weekend, I’m going to go back into the woods and see how many dens I can find that have been made.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Pheasant facts

Today I was learning about pheasants, my granny and grandpa have very tame pheasants in their garden, I love to feed them.

I also water some plants last night -hope you don’t mind! 🙊


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