
Today I have been doing some typography.  I need to practice more but I decided to draw my Indominus Rex and write his name inside his body as it was a hard shape to do with letters.

I also did my words, 10 times table questions and will read a book on epic this afternoon.


Hamish the polar bear

Today I did my words and then the 5 times table questions.

I then drew a picture of Hamish the polar bear and wrote some facts about him.


Partitioning and reindeer

Hello today I started with copying lots of words from my word list onto the whiteboard.
I then answered questions from the quick read ‘planet zog’ – Zargles is funny!
After that I did some partitioning, sums and my 2 times table.


These are my pictures of the reindeer from the Cairngorms! That was exciting  reading about them as we go and see them all the time!  These are our pictures from just before Xmas.





Reece -first day back

Happy new year everyone!

Today I was learning my words and did some writing, I then did some colouring in – halfs and quarters – this was fun.

I am now off to do a nice long walk and find my ice rink which will now be a great big puddle!

from Reece 

My Wednesday

Today I did some sums and spelling, I then had lots of fun painting my butterfly, Zara enjoyed doing her one too!

Yesterday we went to my granny and grandpas garden and look what we saw! It was big fungus all over one of their trees.


My Tuesday

Today I have been reading which was super quick today! Learning my words again and doing sums from my book.


My Monday

Today I started with some reading and I was quite fast today!  I then went over some words and after I did a few sums and some clock work as it’s been ages.

My diary of gala week

Today I made a bubble gum flavoured ice cream cone from my arty crafty box,  I also drew a picture of Jack, I am getting better at drawing people, sometimes I forget they have a neck and their arms don’t come out of their ribs but by the time I drew Jack his picture was the best! And sorry to Merissa I forgot to put your arms on!
I then finished my diary of the week.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.


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