haiku by Reece

hi we are doing haiku. It is a Japanese poem so writing doing syllables

for example

small driving object

wheels window engine throttle

fast speedy, swiftly

guess what it was ??????????

Connect 4 homework – social studies – people

I will be telling you some facts about Prince Harry he was born in September.

  1. Harry is a British name for Henry
  2. He was born on 15 of September1984
  3. He is 40 years old
  4. His full name is Henry Charles Albart David
  5. His mum was lady Diana
  6. In 2021 he said his 10 years of the army were his happiest times of his life
  7. His dad is King Charles the 3
  8. He married Meghan Markle and they liv in Montecito California with their two children.

by Reece


Hi it is Reece and I am going to be telling you about big Thursday. In PE we are doing tennis we get in partners and we both get a tennis ball and a hoop and then hit the ball of the ground  and catch the ball in between your hands and a tennis racket. In outdoor learning we were  doing fire lighting and making coffee and making hot chocolate but now we are making animals to take home. Thanks for reading.

sports day

Hi it is Reece and Amy we are going to be telling you about sports day. Mays favret  race is the sac race (Amy) my favret race is the running race. Amy’s worst race was egg and spoon race. my worst race is sac race.  At the end we did games and ice cream. I did beat the goly. At the end the winners got medals but we never got any.


We are practising songs for Scottish opra. last Friday we started sorting out our gala groups we are doing the net challenge I am with Azari Findlay and brody. we started a new topic about oceans on monday we had to finde 10 oceans and finde them on a map thanks goodbye.

Reece and Jayda

Hi its  Reece and Jayda we are going to talk about Scottish film foundation. In the morning we had silent films we have never seen a silent film before. Then we had Shots – it was about framing shots with Scott (he was very funny ) Then we went to Scottish films and we were told about the competition  (very very LOUD) thats the end of our blog bye bye .

Stop Motion By Reece

Hello its Reece, and i am going to talk about stop motion. We took pictures of little figures. When you add the pictures together its like a little movie! My story is about golden locks. I have 2 other partners Findlay and Mckenna.

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