In big woodland break we were sliding on the ice.
we had a competition. who can slide the farthest Reece got the farthest.
we were playing football on the ice we had a ice block for our football. the ice got slipper and slipper.
By Azari
Confident, Creative Learners with Big Ambitions. Kind to each other. Kind to the Planet.
In big woodland break we were sliding on the ice.
we had a competition. who can slide the farthest Reece got the farthest.
we were playing football on the ice we had a ice block for our football. the ice got slipper and slipper.
By Azari
For the school show we did Aladdin Trouble. I am a washing line i say a Copple of words. Me and Findlay are the light people. The show is really fun and funny. There is lots of songs and jokes. It is scary we are doing three shows we have done one. People loved the show. It was nerve wracking .
Findlay and Azari
On Thursday we did P.E. In P.E, we did circuit’s and in the circuit’s we do push ups, shuttle runs. bench jumps, wall sits, burpees, sit ups, ball pass, planks my favorite exercise is planks. I really like P.E.
By Azari
On Thursday we did p.e with Mrs Martin for a warm up we ran around the play ground and Mrs Marin timed us i got the fastest time and we did a circuit in the circuit we did burpees and shuttle runs and planks, star jumps, bench jumps, push ups I really liked it.
by Azari
Some of the P6/7 went to Sanquhar for a triathlon. When we got there, we all looked around the place, there were other primary schools there . After we looked around we went inside and got changed into our swimming clothes. Then all of us went to the pool and put our stuff in a basket. Next we sat by the pool and the instructor told us if you’re not a good swimmer you can swim half of the pool and if your a good swimmer you can do the whole pool. when you’re done you get out of pool and dry your feet and put your socks on and shoes on then you can put shorts and tee-shirt on if you want. Once you have done that you run out of the building and run to the bikes and get a bike and put your helmet on then go around the track with the bike. Next get off the bike and run around the field and wait for the rest. Next get a photo then put our clothes on .After that get a snack and play at the park in till the taxi comes. some people go in Mrs McNays car and the rest went in the taxi .When we got to school we got all of our stuff out the car and seen all of our friends. I really liked it.
By Azari
We are doing democracy and we have made dioramas .we made an identical version of the Scottish parliament and one in Holyrood, and then we had to write letters to MSPs me and Azari have ours and they are now sent and are going on a long trip the MSPs. we don’t even know if they will answer or not haha, Anyways that’s all from us bye.
Azari & Niamh.
We were playing football and we play maches. and we are making teddies with miss Jardine