Hey last 4 days

Hi Everyone it is my last 4 days of Holywood I’m going to miss my friends that are going to Wallace hall but at least I get to meet new friends. I hope my friends do well in the future. Graduation Is tomorrow and I hope its fun then we have water slide day but before that is P7 fun day we are going swimming at DG1 and getting subway or chippy after! I guess that’s my last blog thank you for reading have a good day. -Kohdie


Emily’s Sports Day

Hello It’s Emily I am going to tell you about my sports day.

I like the running race.

The P2s won the Baton  race.

I liked the sports day.

There was the batton race and The Sack race and The running race. For Ice-cream I had vanilla with chocolate sauce 😋 It was lovely! We also had a long play it was fun I played With Beth Noi and Zara. That’s all for now bye bye -Emily




School gala day

Hello today Im talking about the schools gala day my group had Jayda Jullien Carson and me. We made dutch pancakes and made about £60 – £70 not bad. Jullien and his brother was doing the cooking. jayda was the cashier and taking the orders and I was putting on the chocolate sauce.  thats all for now not much to say bye for now

by Kohdie

Residential !


Hello, it’s Kohdie, and today I’m going to be talking about our residential trip.

So, I was in the bus with Airen. We slept for a bit and we talked for a bit. We arrived an hour later and were going to the sports hall to meet with the staff.

After speaking for a while, we were introduced to our cabins and packed everything in our cabins. After cabins, we had lunch and moved on to our first activity. First, we did high ropes and leap of faith. After that, we went on a walk in the night. On the second day, we did canoeing, and me and Jullien were having a normal day until the funny part happened. We were both resting our arms, but we were on the same side of the boat and we TIPPED! We also did a stream walk swimming,  We also where able to jump into the loch that was good !

By Kohdie

Rock UK return

Hello! Tomorrow we are going to residential again at the same amazing place Rock UK  I really loved it last time and it was fun with the zipline and swimming and also leap of faith that was scary! The first residential was not as good. The food at rock UK is also amazing. I’m happy I’m in a cabin with all my mates and people I get along with I will also be packing my own suit case this time it was difficult but its all packed now all I need is my toiletry’s That’s all for now everyone bye!

Scottish Opera

Hello Welcome to my blog my name is Kohdie, recently for the past two days my class p6/7 have been practising Scottish opera for a show there is different kids going to for different parts. The Opera we are doing is about Vikings stealing treasure from a dragon and they are a few different songs.

We have different groups or roles the other school are doing the Vikings and my class are doing villagers and sorcerers. when we are singing we have to act and march like a soldier. the only songs I can remember is Vikings prepare and Vikings forever. It has a few songs and we have to learn them all I imagine it will look very good and it will work well. I hope it does good that’s all for now bye!

By Kohdie

Audio Player


So 3 weeks ago I went to a swimming lessons now I go there every Tuesday I go to swimming at Annan its pretty fun I learnt how to float on my back I’m slowly becoming a better swimmer. I am also struggling trying to not bend my knees because it makes you sink but I’m getting used to it now. The place is called Solway swim sometimes there are other kids around my age there too its pretty fun to go in the water and under water with my goggles, I’m trying to learn how to swim because I need it as a survival skill and I need it for residential.

Reading Task (Haiku)

The Last Kids On Earth,

Monsters – create something great,

 Read, talk, share, group chat.


モンスター - 素晴らしいものを作成し、

Chikyū saigo no kodomo-tachi, monsutā - subarashī mono o sakusei shi, yon dari, hanashi tari, kyōyū shi tari, gurūpuchatto shi tari dekimasu

Electricity ⚡

Hello Today I’m Talking about electricity and what I have learnt about it so far, So First We did a simple circuit  which old has one light one battery and around 4 wires. A Series Circuit Is about the same but it has 2 lights. For The parallel circuit it is hard to explain but its like its towering over each other the wire connects to the battery and then to a light then you do the same thing and connect it all together you will notice that some of the lights will start to look dim that’s because some of the lights are getting more power than the other so if you add another battery they will all be about the same lighting. Here are Some photos!

Our learning

Hello Its Jayda And Kohdie today we are talking about  Our Holidays its Jayda I went to Specsavers and got my eyes tested and I have astigmatism and I have got glasses. Its Kohdie now and I mostly hanged out. Now on to our learning all of the P7s got there leavers hoodies they are very nice. In maths we are doing a enterprise challenge its pretty hard. We Also have different My Favourite is music. we have also done dinosaur projects. and basically everything is the same the usual doing your blog like I’m doing right now and spelling and maths like that basic stuff.

That’s about it thanks for reading. Kohdie And Jayda





Leavers Hoodie.

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