A new project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are now learning about WW 2 and the start of it . We did Adolf Hitler and where he came from. We are do posters on him and we are writing facts on what he did when he  was alive and he was really power hungry and refused to get a job.

By Daniel

Can you feel the love tonight?


We  are singing Lion King songs: Like Be Prepared, Can you feel the love tonight? , Circle of Life and Hakuna Matata.  Just can’t wait to King is really good. Lots of pupils auditioned so some got parts and some didn’t.


by Daniel



We go on to Nessy.

Nessy is  a  web site  that  you  can  learn  on  your  computer  for spelling  and  you  can  also  do  maths.

We   are   doing  a   map   of  Africa  for the wall – and learning about it’s animals and culture.

By  Daniel


The first  week on  are our  topic  we  had  choses  to  do  doings  or  Animations   and the send  week  we  mid  Animations  wife stop mosh ns   we  mid  bac  rans  and  yous  piper  to  mid  the  parts    for  the  Animation.  by Daniel

Daniel Doodle Book

Miss Dale gave us Doodle Books to doodle in when we are listening to a story or at break times.

So far I have doodled a schematic of a robot head showing the inside and a robot arm.

I am very interested in robots and want to design my own.

By  Daniel



On  Thursday  for  art we  did dotty   drawings   of   people   in   our   class   I  was    drawing    Kohdie.    Then   for   drama    we  re-enacted Thesis  and  the  Minotaur and at  in the ladnf.   Then   we  mad  catpolt  Then  we  play d  build up   it   and   posh   up  tars  and  dawn  the  big hil.

WW 1 Billy Stevens.

We are  learning  about  WW 1.  We  are reading about Billy  Stevens  and  his  friend  Rob. They want to sign up for the army but they are only 16 years old.

Billy wanted to go to the front lines with Rob but he was sent to the Engineers – they fix telegraph wires and repair communications.

The trenches were dirty with rats all year round but the rats were the size of cats!  The rats were so used to sharing with soldiers that they didn’t run away and hide.  Sandbags were used to hold the walls in and also wood.

The engineers had dug outs to store equipment and supplies. They also used them to sleep in.

I am enjoying the topic – I am really fascinated about it.

by   Daniel


WW1 facts

A  Tanks   bullet   can   travel  up  to  25  miles   an  hour   when   the    bullet   hits its   target    1000   bits  of   shrapnel   fly  off.

Billy  Stephens   was  16   when  he   joined  up  to  the  army    and   he  wanted   to  fight.   Instead   he   ended up in  the  Royal  engineering  signals.


By  Daniel

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